Friday, January 17, 2025

Numb. 1279 Flea View

Yeah, we suck blood. So? What's the fuss?

The best things in life are fleas.

Mammals are the best hosts for us

plus you help us spreading disease.


mice in the wall,

spread pes-til-ence

for one and all.

Trump is forever president...

The best things in life are fleas.

In case you missed it:

Numb. 1241 Donnie's Xmas List...

P.S. It's working.

Thursday, January 16, 2025

Numb. 1278 Fifty-four Fourty Forfeit? Alright/Good Night

If Donnie makes Canada 51st state 


“I can do perfectly legally”

what would WE do with THEIR maple leaf?

How would THEY treat OUR American eagle?

Would THEY distance themselves from foreign kilometers?

Could WE take OUR temperature with THEIR thermometers?

What do WE do with Canadian “U”

which THEY use to misspell “good neighbo(u)rs”?

Could THEY integrate into US society,

casting aside their better behavio(u)rs?

Would WE make a mockery of THEIR CFL,

fake liking curling and hockey?

Would WE have to say “aboot” and “,eh”?

Bilingual, no less? Offic'lly! Oy vey!

If there is no longer a border to cross

how do you police and enforce it?

What do you call International Falls?

Without two nations, it's idiotic!

What would WE do with Canada money?

THEY put THEIR Royals on coinage.

THEIR paper money, in fact, is plastic.

Hideous mess, this disjointed joinage!

Here, at The BYSTANDER, we think it best

rather than us “TRUMPing” Canada,

we, in post-Rapture left-behind sane states,

bid Donnie adieu and ask, MayWE joinYOU?"

Yes, of course, we’d have similar problems,

but, at least, we'd be rid of THE DONALD.

Wednesday, January 15, 2025

Numb. 1277 US Constitution: Trumpery v Madison

Was Madison's photo as often as mine
display his face on the cover of TIME?
I higher “lawyers” — a dozen a dime.
How many MAGA hats did HE sign?
Big fuckin' deal, he wrote “Constitution”.
I am a MASTER of retribution!
TRUMP, Putin, Xi: we rule by decree.
Scratches on parchment — fiddle-de-dee.

Tuesday, January 14, 2025

Numb. 1276 Donnie's Deep Thoughts

If I choose to make Grand Canyon a lake

by filling it up, how long would it take?

Could I curtail spread of disease

if I execute everyone sneezing?

If I send Don Jr. to retrieve Greenland glaciers,

would that solve our problem with droughts and fires?

Can I move Mexico farther away?

Replace border with moat and water?

If I slow down the Sun as it crosses the sky

will that provide more daylight time?

Monday, January 13, 2025

Numb. 1275 Wiseguys and the White House Gangsters, Presidents, and the Deals They Made

Mafia Don? Trump and other presidents who flirted with the mob

A new book looks into the complicated relationship between the mob and the White House from Roosevelt to BidenGuardian

According to [author Eric] Dezenhall, “the thing that makes Trump different from all of the other presidents is he’s the only one who has been shockingly open about talking about” his experiences with the mob.

(Readers are invited to wad Kleenex in their cheeks and do their best brand o’ [😉] Don Corleone as they read to their children beside their fireside.)

Donald J. Trump? 

He’s one wise guy.

How do ya know?

Mafia ties.

“Great” presidents —

FDR, Truman —

dealt with the dons.

Listen, it’s human.

Whenever ya wanna

get some stuff done

ya really gotta

know guys with guns.

Sam Giancanna

and JFK?

Shared them a lady,

some people say.

Even St. Reagan,

otherwise anti-mob ,

let pal with “connections”

get on with the job.

Donnie, of course,

dealt in construction,

where knowing bosses,

prevents obstruction.

In the end no one cares

about saints and sinners —

okay, mebbe upstairs —

down here it’s winners.

Numb. 1274 Donnie's Endgame

Donnie plans on killing his lawyers 

when he believes he’s going to die

so he will have representation 

when greeting St. Peter up in the sky.

When old St Pete does not let him through,

Donnie’ll tell his dead consiglieri,

“Fake saint, sue him and sue God too."

Sunday, January 12, 2025

Numb. 1273 Piece On Earth

The Observer
Would love to see her faked’: the dark world of sexual deepfakes - and the women fighting back — Guardian 

In general, criminals, it is well known,

exhibit high levels of testosterone

which now advances in science have shown

stem from a birth defect, the Y-chromosome,

which if removed from human genome,

will bring us peace before E.T. phone home".

Numb. 1272 Learning Book Burning

Purge pagan books from library shelves.

Heave heathen texts from the schools.

Prevent perversion, kids bound for hell

having been Socrates’d by Satan’s tools

force-feeding our nation corrupt education,

regaling children with tales of false deities

prodding them down the path to perdition

filling young minds with ambiguities.

Burn all the books of ancient philosophers.

Out, high thee hence. Go away, Aristotle,

quick, put betwixt us miles and kilometers.

I swear, though dead, if not we will throttle you.

Protect the kiddies from ancient playwrongs,

lest they question the Gospel or Bible.  

The idea that gods, though false, do wrong,

could, we’re afraid, make young minds pliable. 

Dorothy Parker (after a drink?),

said, “If led to culture, some learn to think.*

———————————— *Actually, it was “You can lead a horticulture, but you can’t make her think.” Put my misuse down to poetic licentiousness. Also, full disclosure, I have no knowledge that Dottie was drinking when she said it, but I conjecture she said it at Algonquin Round Table, so it would be, I'll warrant, a safe-ish assumption.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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