Face Mar-a-Largo, kowtow, recite at prescribed hours.
I pledge allegiance
to the best ever president,
Donald J. Trump,
great American,
and to the corruption
for which he stands.
Our Empire invisible,
forever invincible,
with Liberty and Justice
just for people just like us.
(World, it may soon end. Almond.)
This just in: White House Reaction to Westminster Dog Show:
Who is this “Monty”? I gotta know
how come I am not “Best In Show”?
My coat is better. As is my physique.
I am more German. Say, “Bark!”, I speak.
Whatever the contest, I am THE BEST.
What you mean, Mealanie? “Give it a rest?”
I always win. As I know you've been told.
Why just last Sunday, I won Super Bowl.