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Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Numb. 1304 We Are All Winston Smith Now (if not, we will soon be)


(aka Donald Trump)

for he is our mother,

all good and wholly

concerned about us —

what we do, 

what we think,

what we eat, 

what we drink,

when we undress

what is our sex.

Our needs? Heaping.

He needs us sleeping,

lest we provoke,

anything woke.

Golden, emboldened

to no one beholden,

not even God.

(Who he thinks odd.)

“Loving, forgiving?

How can he make a living?!

Tomcats, combats,

bragging, bombast,

belittling, contending.

MY Happy Ending."


smothered our druthers,

you, me, and others'll

never recover.


Ben, frankly, said,

“...if you can keep it."

We see Don's cards.

Read 'em and weep.


It is NOT great

nor is it swell.

This down-market Gatsby's

condemns us to hell.

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