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Sunday, January 26, 2025

Numb. 1301 The Next Four Years (a run-on life sentence)

Lie back, relax as world goes to bits,

TRUMP snaps his fingers thinking,

“There, Donnie fix!”,

and Elon, our paragon, who “put art in farts”,

continues his countdown to launch us to Mars,

while climate, ignoring what it is told,

makes things too hot (when not too cold),

the Earth, cracking up (what with our fracking),

in-vents in-tense events, sending us packing:

tsunamis, hurricanes, floods, fires, of course,

and other such stuff to help us start wars,

and viruses, which we’ve contrived in our labs,

continue escaping, creating havoc —

unkind mankind will not survive, but, at last, at least,

we'll have achieved, fine-ly, Middle East peace.

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