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Tuesday, January 21, 2025

Numb. 1290 Day 2 Stuff, Too Cold For Golf

Biden was never legally president.

I was cheated in twenty-twenty.

I can toss out whatever he did,

saying it DID NOT occur anyway.


I, TRUMP, hairby, proclaim and decree,

Grant's off our fifty, replaced by Lee.

For Southern avoiders of five dollar bills,

Abe's out, Jeff's in. (Damn the dude kills.)


Oh, yeah, before I forget

have I invaded Canada yet?
And what about Panama?
What's with my canal?
Did those poca pandas
throw in the towel yet?


Too cold in Greenland
to try out the golf yet ...
soon as it's Spring there ...
After the aftermath forever henceforth
Golfe du Saint-Laurent no more,
but Gulf of AMERICA! (North)


Should I rename Israel America II?
It's just like the real one, except it's for Jews.

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