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Monday, January 20, 2025

Numb. 1282 Inauguration Day Industry Request (pre-approved)

Oh give us land all your land under poisoned louring skies

don't regulate

let us drill frack and mine devastate as we devise

don't regulate

Let us without tax do just what we damn please

and rid us of disaster experts' “climate crises"

money is forever and it’s better than Jesus

don't regulate

Just turn us loose let us straddle while we prattle on

'bout climate changes lies

and make excuses as we blunder while we plunder

and we make our profits rise

We want to dig put up rigs ’till the prairies are smothered

extract all the value ’til we’ve emptied the cupboard

make every acre look like it’s been plucked by buzzards

don’t regulate

it usta wuz

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The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020