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Tuesday, January 7, 2025

Numb. 1262 Trump THAT!

What in heaven is wrong with Melania?

Channeling Jacqueline Kennedy?

Why do women let pigmen walk over them?

Paleolithic supremity!

Jackie is dead, but since the shoe fits,

Mel must be gifted Swift's Greatest Hits.

Donnie's response to E. Jean decision,

a TRUMP archetypical gripe,

“I don't rape anyone in ANY position,

if I do not feel there my type.

And I hafta say NO ill-intent

I gotta fuck 'em, they preconsent.”

If  Carter’s funeral gets bigger crowds

than Donald’s inauguration

can we expect a knock-on effect

will Donald demand reverse exhumation?


Colombia being “gem of the ocean”,
all lands and oceans are ours.
America being largest and greatest,
TRUMP rules on Earth, Elon on Mars.