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Friday, January 31, 2025

Numb. 1308 Fast Forward Backwards

The prospect of legal challenges to President Trump’s purges may be a feature, not a bug, for adherents of sweeping presidential authority. - New York Times

When OPL’s* dictatescome before court,

those wishing dismissals may come up short.

SCOTUS, from which succor is sought,

moons ago was paid for and bought.

We may see law, i.e. what law’s thought to be,

ignored in favor of what law “ought to be”

in a Christian Republic where what virtue" prevails

is that of an OGRE who daily assails

all things he perceives as in the way

of him forever having the final say.

If SCOTUS decision isn't what he expects,

he will demand, “WHO got elected?

I got voters, Secret Service escorts.

I am SUPREME over all courts.

My pocket's got codes for nuclear forces.

I got connections to Mafia bosses.

Furthermore, as I told you before,

you mess with me, you get Marshall Law.
As Frank Sinatra might smilingly say,
I don't do regrets. I do it my way."


* Our Peerless Leader’s

Executive Orders

‡ Our Great and Respected Executive

Thursday, January 30, 2025

Numb. 1307 Misgivings

GULF Of America

Merrian-Webster Dictionary


1: a part of an ocean or sea extending into the land

2: a deep chasm : abyss

3: whirlpool

4: a wide gap

the gulf between generations

Ya think Donnie wudda maybe looked at a dictionary

before his renaming things made him seem silly? Really!

He will not admit it (to save his unwholesome soul),

but his rebranding the GULF puts US in a hole.


Project 2025

Project 2-oh-2-5 has plans to end government

which they wrote up as their holy covenant.

These schemes could yield, Donnie anticipates,

outcomes his critics could call not so great".

When on rethinking, he had a faint inkling,

plans, which when fresh were already stinking,

could well result in America's sinking,

father Fred, in his head, screaming,

WTF! WERE you even thinking?"

(Dreaded dead Fred's constant harassment

causes poor Donnie no end of embarrassment.)


Replacement For Executive Orders

Executive Orders (EOs) we deem insufficient

for Our Glorious Leader to fulfill his mission.

Therefore, we will shortly replace all of those.

(As well as buy him in a set of new clothes.)

Soon as we finish with maps and borders,

we will issue the first of too-many-to-count

Effective Immediately Enhanced Import Orders.


Breaking The Code

intercept coded gop message:


decoded gop intercept message:

Mistah Trump, he undead. 

Our Greatly Respected Executive,

two terms non-consecutive,

we hope for three 

best compete Putin Xi.

Wednesday, January 29, 2025

Numb. 1306 Trump Budge It's Knot Constitutional

President’s Directive Sows Confusion and Fear Democrats find a voice in opposition to Trump’s funding halt. A federal judge blocks Trump’s freeze of federal grants and loans. Trump also fired E.E.O.C. commissioners in a late-night purge on Monday. New York Times

TRUMP as per usual. Sell short, pay long.

(Or if you can, don't pay at all.)

Donald has never paid bills on time.

If he owes a dollar he may pay a dime.

Next up, big cuts in soldiers' pay.

“Low IQ suckers. Who cares, anyway?

Somebody told me I'm to see to it'

that laws are FAITHFULLY executed.

I gotta tell ya, therefore I cannot

do MY job without, at least, some laws get shot."

Tuesday, January 28, 2025

Numb. 1305 The Circle Of Life

What causes Holocausts?

People like Hitler?

What causes Hitlers?

Treaties Versailleses?

What causes Versailleses?

Louis Quatorze’s?

What causes Quatorze’s?

Twelves and Thirteens?

What causes those?

Us. Human beings.

Numb. 1304 We Are All Winston Smith Now (if not, we will soon be)


(aka Donald Trump)

for he is our mother,

all good and wholly

concerned about us —

what we do, 

what we think,

what we eat, 

what we drink,

when we undress

what is our sex.

Our needs? Heaping.

He needs us sleeping,

lest we provoke,

anything woke.

Golden, emboldened

to no one beholden,

not even God.

(Who he thinks odd.)

“Loving, forgiving?

How can he make a living?!

Tomcats, combats,

bragging, bombast,

belittling, contending.

MY Happy Ending."


smothered our druthers,

you, me, and others'll

never recover.


Ben, frankly, said,

“...if you can keep it."

We see Don's cards.

Read 'em and weep.


It is NOT great

nor is it swell.

This down-market Gatsby's

condemns us to hell.

Monday, January 27, 2025

Numb. 1303 Donnie Develops (it's what he does)

When I buy a building that people live in

I prod them to move until they give in.

Or they can stay, take their chances with

the undesirables I fill vacancies with.

As legal owner, I must be unfettered,

allowed to knock down, rebuilding better.

Total win-win. I get, they give.

I build what I want, they get to live.

Give me the go-ahead, give me empty Gaza,

I'll build shabbat hotels that rival the Plaza.

( Suddenly serious, he dons kid gloves.)

Speaking of Auschwitz* ...

Why commemorate anything crappy 

when you can profit, make people happy?

Let me demolish it, build a golf course.

Real estate cannot be a source of remorse.

(He executes, smiling, the Elon salute.)

* which nobody was

Numb. 1302 Nervous Patriots Plus Thoughts From Donnie

A Patriot's Fox-Founded Fears

There are DEEP STATE resources that hide in plain sight.


The former include COURTS and CONGRESS:

RINO-Dems opposed to God's president's progress.

The latter? In their own right, fatal as lightning:

Bernie's bedbugs. Liz Warren's spiders. AOC's dust mites. Frightening!


Concerned Patriot Wants To Know

Does President TRUMP wish to distract us,

providing MLK-Kennedy murder file access?

Ancient conspiracies! All done and dusted!



Donnie on HIS Substandard Living Conditions

The White House is … an alright house,

but I am accustomed to better.

More gold. No mold. Less old. MORE GOLD!

The height, moreover, is far too low

to express my ideal of THE PRESIDENT'S POWER.



Donnie on Presidential Impunity

Due to unlawful “conviction”, I can not get a carry permit.

Let’s say, for fun, I get a Glock and I pocket it.

Even the Dem’s most chickenshit judge, 

would dare not add THAT case to his docket.

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