The prospect of legal challenges to President Trump’s purges may be a feature, not a bug, for adherents of sweeping presidential authority. - New York Times
When OPL’s* dictates† come before court,
those wishing dismissals may come up short.
SCOTUS, from which succor is sought,
moons ago was paid for and bought.
We may see law, i.e. what law’s thought to be,
ignored in favor of what law “ought to be”
in a Christian Republic where what “virtue" prevails
is that of an OGRE‡ who daily assails
all things he perceives as in the way
of him forever having the final say.
If SCOTUS decision isn't what he expects,
he will demand, “WHO got elected?
I got voters, Secret Service escorts.
I am SUPREME over all courts.My pocket's got codes for nuclear forces.
I got connections to Mafia bosses.Furthermore, as I told you before,
* Our Peerless Leader’s
† Executive Orders
‡ Our Great and Respected Executive