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Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Numb. 1252 Trump Foreign Policy — Day 1 Daydream

Like Danes or Panes could ever fight me?

Dumb-ass small countries they can go bite me.

Me, Putin, Xi, we got us nukes.

Say José" or Hamlet" put up their dukes ...

Ten seconds. Knockout. Victory, me.

Greenland, Canal? Totally free.

Since I easily defeated Kamala,

it's only fair that I take Canada.

Have I got other claims territorial?

Wait'll I Finnish Third Reich tutorial.

Monday, December 30, 2024

Numb. 1251 Trump Tribute (?) To Carter

My takeaway from Carter’s departure:

I have another 23 years.

Making America great's just for starters. 

Last president. First of the tsars.

I die, in office, in two-oh-four-seven,

resume my place as God in Heaven.

Meine Erkenntnis aus Carters Abgang: Ich habe noch 23 Jahre. Amerika groß zu machen ist nur der Anfang. Letzter Präsident. Erster der Zaren. Ich sterbe im Amt im Jahr 2047 und nehme meinen Platz als Gott im Himmel wieder ein.

Numb. 1250 Survival Of The Numbest

Academic Danilo Brozović says studies of failed civilisations all point in one direction – today’s society needs radical transformation to survive — Guardian

If we contrive somehow to survive

catastrophes of our own making,

How many, I wonder, will be alive

to pick up whatever is left for the taking?

Will civilization crumble completely

and indoor plumbing be butt a memory?

Will we don hand-me-down animal skins

and wear hand hewn, stone-tooled accessories?


will Donald and Elon provide a solution

after rebooting the Constitution

enabling thriving amidst destitution;

ignoring those who request restitution;

while unworldly Bernie rants, “Redistribution!";

drunk, Rudy grumbles, Unjust persecution!";

and Matt Gaetz, as ever, pursues prostitution?

Will there, instead, be a revolution?

Is this the DEAD END of evolution?

Friday, December 27, 2024

Numb. 1249 Front Pages: Time O' The Shallowman

Random rhymes from my pen poured

a scribbling scrawl unbid

Sometimes in a Buddhist mood

it seems something I did

in some past life a foreign land

in this vast folderol

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled you all

Without me would there have been

a youth revolt at all

Without me would there have been

and Mary, Peter, Paul

I wrote the words I called the tune

primed status quo to fall

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled you all

Money flowed and praise bestowed

genius that I am

Lyrics that at most could boast

a whiff of past-date Spam

Smoking weed you thought my screed

made sense I recall

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled you all

With peace at hand I formed a band

a merry minstrelsy

and wrote of love and what's above

and broken memory

It was lame but money came

They play me at The Mall

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled you all

The times have changed and changed 

again to back where they began

What can then this portend

for dying Dylan fans

Is there crap deep perhaps 

beneath my great cash haul

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled you all

I'm told schnooks have written books

probed my life for facts

What's next jazz some razz-ma-tazz

Perhaps learn the sax

Leave the scene to Bruce Springsteen

like Fidel did to Raul

Looking back I have to say

I really fooled us all

Numb. 1248 Bank Holiday Preyers

Regulators Sue 3 Big Banks Over Rampant Fraud on Zelle
Action against Bank of America, JPMorgan Chase and Wells Fargo may not survive President-elect Donald J. Trump’s return to office. — New York Times

Oh, dear Lord, if fraud were outlawed,

how would we stay in business?

Donald Trump knows how things have to work.

Prey that he'll save us from Democrat jerks

who blather, “Consumers must be protected"

while lazy fair tells us they're best neglected.

Grandmothers fall for fraud and flimflam?

Who cares? It advances our profit plan.

Caveat emptor. Hail Trump, our Emperor.

Thursday, December 26, 2024

Numb. 1247 Donnie Solve Crime

I hereby proclaim shoot to kill orders
for all criminals including jaywalkers.
Jaywalking being a gateway crime,
it cannot be stopped by doing time.
We need to blow these hombres away,
to put an end to decline and decay.
Capital punishment! That's my mandate.
Shoot everyone, make America great.

Wednesday, December 25, 2024

Numb. 1246 January 20, 2025 — Inauguration Augurs Ill

A monumental
to document

Tuesday, December 24, 2024

Numb. 1245 Pardon Me, Donald

Anything that a Republican does

I do not consider a crime.

On the other hand ... Democrats? YES!

BUT THEY ARE NOT masterminds.

I pardon each and every Republican

for “crimes” planned or committed.

Democrats? Deport or lock ’em up.

At the very least have ’em committed.

Monday, December 23, 2024

Numb. 1244 Tomorrow And Tomorrow And Tomorrow ... And All Our Yesterdays

“For purposes of National Security and Freedom throughout the World, the United States of America feels that the ownership and control of Greenland is an absolute necessity,” Trump wrote on Truth Social. — Guardian
Today Greenland,
tomorrow the world.
I see that unseen land
with our flag unfurled
over the ice and Eskimos,
helping me punch Trudeau in the nose,
teaching him to not be ungrateful
when I make Canada 51st state full
of French-speakers, mouths filled with snails.
Although he objects, my will prevails.
As I have always, I’ll do as I please,
all set to music, Maestro, if you please!

Numb. 1243 Trump Doctrine

Where’er I see an empty expanse,

I think, “I can fix it, of course.”

Whether near water, or under sand,

I picture oil rigs. Or a golf course.

Some say land has better uses —

“nat-ur-al hab-i-tat” crap.

So very SAD. Losers excuses.

“Saving the planet.” Who gives a rap?

Bigly hotels, casinos, resorts,

slathered in gold" to cover the warts.

I grab. I take. I make stuff useful.

TRUMP out in front makes all things beautiful.

Friday, December 20, 2024

Numb. 1242: From Donald's Diary II

Do I need a pretext to seize New York Times
and turn it over to Murdoch?
Supine SUPREMES would have my back —
bowing to FOX, not heirs of Ochs.

Thursday, December 19, 2024

Numb. 1241 Donnie's Xmas List (batteries not included)

As Donald prepares to take TOTAL power,

he still thinks of others while in the shower.

He slathers soft soap on his beautiful body

after, of course, he has gone potty.

Given his fear of serious germs,

he starts every day on the cleanest of terms,

brushes his teeth, shampoos his hair,

shaving his face — the fairest of fair.

For instance, this morning

he thought stretching, yawning

“What Christmas gift

would heal a rift

should my proposals

cause those less loyal

to turn up their noses?”

His brain, big and brilliant,

his hair somewhat damp,

birthed at that instant:


“One for each delegation in Congress,

another for each of the courts.

Republicans only.

Let Dems be jaundiced.

I won fair and square.

They’re rotten sports.

Yes, it’s expensive,

but it won’t be that bad.

I will command,

Bring your ink pad!'"

Numb. 1240 From Donald's Diary I

Hitler did a lot of good things.

So did, EXCUSE ME!, Caligula.

When I told Melanie some of his stuff,

she said, “Donald, oh what a pig you are."

Wednesday, December 18, 2024

Numb. 1239 Press Release

(after swearing at in)

Since Dems can never again be elected,

TIME to repeal the twenty-second amendment?


Given cost, bother, and imperfections

of holding never-ending elections,

Some people say — may I say I agree?

TIME to return to monarchy.

Last president = first Emperor

(Then Melanie cannot tell me I “bother" her.)

Caesar was God, way back in Rome.

My TIME has arrived so I'll raise Roy Cohn.)

Tuesday, December 17, 2024

Numb. 1238 From The Ravings Of Charmin Don II

Everyone that I appoint
is completely TOTALLY! qualified.
Those opposed are missing the point:
crossed, I cannot be mollified.
Agree with me and you will thrive.
Otherwise … you might not survive.

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020