Friday, November 15, 2024

Numb. 1219 The Worm's Turn (Christian Persecution)

Secularists find we are today

in the position Christians

insist they were yester,

a disrespected, discarded

(self-styled) majority,

persecuted by a

noxious minority.

The difference, of course,

is we’re right, they’re not.

We merely mock them,

they want us shot.

Numb. 1218 Texas Justice

Texas Supreme Court Paves Way for Execution in ‘Shaken Baby’ Case New York Times

Innocence is a mere technicality

which this court cannot allow to delay execution.

Were we to postpone this scheduled fatality,

it would violate the State Constitution.

If conviction is overturned post mortem,

the governor can then issue a pardon.

Numb. 1217 Trump's Tailor

First thing I do after taking the oath?
I swiftly deport Tailor Quick,
who’s nearing forty and did not support me.
I like younger women who don’t politick.
I prefer pretty women who know their place
to this too-tall, cupie doll with her SAD puppy face.
She, I believe, should be unseen.
I don't want tailors unless they're Greene.

Numb. 1216 Infinite Regression (trumped US readies repression)

Trump sends

staff to Iran

to assess how

they oppress


Also Afghanistan,

where it's done better than

even ingenious

folks in Iran can.

Then North Korea

to get idea

how to select

which uncle

to shoot next.

To Russia, of course-ski,


they do it more-ski.

Could be the borsch-ski!

In China



for years

without tears.

*    *    * 

      ترامپ می فرستد

        کارکنان به ایران

برای ارزیابی چگونگی

           ظلم می کنند


   همچنان افغانستان،

         جایی که بهتر از

                حتی مبتکر

مردم در ایران میتوانند.

그러면 북한은

다음에 어떤 삼촌을




아이디어를 얻기 위해.

В Россию, конечно,


они делают это больше

Может быть борщ!






Thursday, November 14, 2024

Numb. 1215 1st Amendment Blues Riff For TRUMPettes In Discord Of D Double Minus

You've got a right to say what you like,

but I've got the power to stop you.

I am the President,

I've got the courts,

I OWN the Congress.

MY Army, MY Navy,

MY Space and Air Forces.

Tell what you've got.

I need a laugh.

Against what I've got?


Numb. 1214 A Case Of Mistaken Identity

Rich men are given 

to carrying on, living

most hedonistically.

Case in point Epstein.

Case in point Musk.

Though never Trump ...

well, less specifically.

In HIM we trust.

It says so on money.

(Though for some reason,

funny and odd,

on coin and currency

Trump comes out “GOD”.)

AND something's wrong

with the pictures thereon.

Trump doesn't look strong,

trim, and fit.

In these grim depictions, putting it bluntly,

frankly, he looks like 💩.

He is, nonetheless,

our font of virtue,

living the good life

right to the brim.

A typical Christian.

(Albeit with money.)

How can anyone

not worship HIM?

Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Numb. 1213 All Swell Matt Gaetz Hell

President-Elect Wants Matt Gaetz for Attorney General — New York Times

How c(r)ool can you get?

As yet unregistered 

repeat sex-offender

getz nominated 

ass Attorney General.

Trump’s total faith

is unassailable.

Plus Wein- and Epstein

aren't available.

Numb. 1212 We Thought, We Were, Therefore?

Newspapers are always shouting “GUN VIOLENCE!”.

Typical liberal media tactics.

What it is, in truth and in fact, is

advanced enhancements in target practice.

*    *    *

Our Founding Fathers
did not invent
“advise and consent”
to circumvent Trump,
our REAL president.
Their TRUE intent
was to prevent
intervention by Satan
in covenant government.
Senators, Congressmen,
you must not hamper him.
Act quick, don't think,

rubber stamp, pamper him.

*    *    *

RFK Jr. thinks vaccines are a plot.

Anyone taking them he'd order shot.

*    *    *


Children under 18 should have a vote

which their dads can legally cast for them.

Women, of course, will have their own.

However, when voting, they can't be alone.

A husband (or father) must be by their side

to aid and advise and help them decide.

Tuesday, November 12, 2024

Numb. 1211 Breaking Down Donald

Donald is a sad little man.

(Albeit he’s also evil.)

Photo of dad on his desk?

Don’t know 'bout you

but to me that suggests

unresolved issues,

his way of saying,

“So there!

You’re dead and buried!






Daddy? Daddy?

Look at me? Please?

Why do I feel

these inadequacies?

Daddy? Oh, Daddy?

I'm down on my knees.

Please say you love me.

Please? Daddy? Please?
I promise to learn

to lie and conceal.

Daddy, don't hit me.
Please! Daddy! Please!

Why do so many

people berate me?

Why, Daddy in heaven,

does everyone hate me?

I’m rich and handsome,

I have a great life.

(And speaking of women,

check out current wife.)

My crowds adore me,

yet I feel stressed.

Daddy, like you,

I get awful press.

I never can satisfy

the New York Times.

They even remind me

of you sometimes.

(Do I have a thing

with authority figures?

We always agreed,

not renting to REDACTED

I do NOT insist on

complete adulation,

but I would appreciate

some A-PRE-CI-A-TION.)

I know you’re dead, Daddy,

still I sit by the phone

hoping you’ll call.

I. Feel. SO. A-lone!”

Monday, November 11, 2024

Numb. 1210 Dictator From Day 1

Trump, allies signal they will try to call the shots for Republican-led Senate

President-elect Donald Trump on Sunday demanded that the next Senate GOP leader allow him to make appointments to his administration and the courts without Senate approval. — Washington Post

Ruling by fiat would be a bad business.

Plus they make god-awful cars

as everyone knows — as God is my witness —

even Elon would not sell them on Mars.

Which, I am told, is already dead,

so with Trump's help will he kill Earth instead?

Numb. 1209 A Call To Inaction (or For YOUR Distraction)

In the twenties and thirties cabaret wits

in Berlin tore Hitler's NAZIs to bits.

Did this, you suppose, pave the road to Auschwitz?

Fast forward, today the U S of A:

On TV, a Groucho of funnymen quips, 

“Trump ruins children’s posterity.”

In board rooms, an Elon of moneymen raves,

“Trump stands for greater prosperity.”

From pulpits, a Graham of clergymen preaches, 

“Trump is God's blessing on Christian society.”

In jungles, in seas, in desserts, in trees,

changing climate increases mortality.

How did this happen? An okay nation

set itself up to get conned?

Is this what the Weimar Republic was facing

as it sped to its death down die Autobahn?

Our crumbling interstates? Might they maybe? save us?

Will we be protected by potholes courageously

controlling how fast disaster can flow?

Or would it be better to get guns and ammo,

and go I don’t know? to Idaho?

Should we sit cussing disgusting fate
or take arms against seas of trouble?
Can Trump be stopped? Sorry, too late....
Best we prepare for living 'neath rubble.

Archive week of:


Previous Posts from


My photo
When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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