Friday, November 1, 2024

Numb. 1195 Darn Old, The Great Protector

Donald Trump vows to be protector of women ‘whether they like it or not’ -- The Guardian

Oh-oh yes I'm the great protector

of women and young girls as well

I protect them so much they flinch at my touch

and sue me and say “Go to hell"

Oh-oh yes I'm the great protector

Alive to a world that I own

I'm not to blame I'm senile I'm insane

And two I starred in Home Alone

I feel and I grab but it's all just for fun

Who'd ever think it offends anyone

Yes I'm the great protector

I'm not just a fake rich fat clown

Take it from me I am more than you see

I bet I'll look great with a crown

protecting you into the ground

I lie and cheat and I am all depraved

but people love it when I misbehave 

Yes TRUMP ... the women's protector

up there with Hen-r-y Eight

I suffer the women to come on to me  

and generous I deny them not

and we all enjoy it -- A LOT

Thursday, October 31, 2024

Numb. 1194 Gunning For Darn Old

COULD Darn Old Trump fire ANY gun?

Or even work out how to trigger it?

Easing fat finger into the guard,

squeezing soft? … WOULDN'T he figure it

a threat to his manhood? … NOT going hard?

NOT going fast? NOT having fun?

In person, he CANNOT fire anyone.

So I put it to you: he COULD NOT fire a gun,

and on Fifth Avenue COULDN'T shoot anyone.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Numb 1193 An American Fascist

How can you tell an American fascist?

When you tell him he's one he objects,

saying he's saving American masses

from horrible foreign or domestic threats.

He'll say it repeatedly until you

agree. If you do ... still gonna kill you.

We were as slow as past-date molasses --

so long to hone our owned* home-grown fascist.


*by V. Putin

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Numb. 1192 Grazie, No Nazi

Darn Old said he is no NAZI.
He said, in fact, he's the opposite.
I cannot wait 'till his friends on FOX
say he confessed to being a communist.

Numb. 1191 Salt Of The Earth (Darn Old's Version)

Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.

Let’s drink to the biased from birth.

Raise your glass in support of their evil.

God bless their plan to ethnic cleanse Earth.

Let’s forget about loser dumb soldiers,

who die in battle and then fertilize Earth.

If these poor suckers give us widows and orphans,

let’s just pretend that they have no worth.

When I search my smiley-faced crowd,

proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.

They don’t look strange to me.

In fact they look alright.

Raise your glass to the hardcore White racists.

Don’t joke (in public) about bald, tattooed heads.

Let’s sell them crap so I can make millions.

If then they vote for me I won’t wish them dead.

Give a cheer for my billionaire PAC men,

giving the poor an unearned poke in the nose.

They’re a procession John Galt-y bastards,

spreading both cancer and polio.

When I see all those smiley-faces,

proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.

They don’t look strange to me.

In fact they look just right.

Let’s drink to all hardcore White racists.

Let’s fuggedabout all others on Earth.

Let’s think how we’ll fill their spaces

when we eliminate them from our Earth.

Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.

Let’s rid ourselves of others on Earth.

Let’s get rid of, say, three or four billion.

Prevent their children from inheriting Earth.

Let’s keep assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Stones's Version

Monday, October 28, 2024

Numb. 1190 Our Darn Old

There was a man people called Darn Old,

who took his morals from Benedict Arnold.

Lying, conniving,

his brain dumpster diving,

and at the same time charnel and carnal.

Numb. 1189 Rally Round The Racist

Darn Old is certain he's nobody’s racist.
He loves most North Europe peons.
And southern peasants — Spics, Eyeties, Greeks —
who he considers near human beings.

Lowlifes invading from shit-hole lands —
mad diseased murderers, rapists and crooks.
He feels their pain. (If not a lot).
Crossing HIS border, they will be shot.

Darn Old’s America is for White Supremacists.
That’s what the Founders intended.
Everyone else he views as a nemesis,
therefore he forbids them access to HIS premises.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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