Friday, October 11, 2024

Numb. 1173 Trump Family Planning

No point in praying for Darn Old’s redemption.

Soulless. His father bought an exemption.

Fred said, “Oh, what the hell. Deal with the devil.",

which, as it turns out, pays off rather well.

Ne'er shown to be a card-carrying NAZI,

tho' certain elements in Fred’s philosophy

suggest certain sympathies with NAZI wiles.

(Is his card hidden in Darn Old’s old files?)

Darn Old, ever the dutiful son,

builds on his heritage and carries on

family tradition — foul water, foul well

fulfills Fred’s ambition: condos in hell.

Thursday, October 10, 2024

Numb. 1172 Project 2025 Revisited (The Second Dumbing)


We intend to ensure information’s reliable

by banning all books, except King James Bible.

Nought else permitted on our printing presses.

All women’ll be in ankle-length dresses.

And Electronics: VERBOTEN! Forbidden!

Pockets sewn closed so nothing is hidden.

No agriculture will be allowed.

Manna from heaven can feed any crowd.

Here on the cusp of The Second Coming,

we can dispense with indoor plumbing.

When we are in charge — O! GLORIOUS DAY! —

all those opposed can only pray

Chicxulub II is on the way.

Wednesday, October 9, 2024

Numb. 1171 Re: Pairing Mirrors

Carthago delenda est.

Man (un)kind at our extravagant best.

We are required by way of atonement

to terminate every last damn opponent.

Why would we waste time by debating

their obvious falsehoods blatantly stating

hypothesized lies, uncouth untruth?

What we believe requires no proof.

What we say is true. What they say? A lie.

On this we agree. Someone must die.

Translations by (When translated back to English ... not always exactly correct. But, hey, it's free. You get what you pay for.)

איש (לא) אדיב במיטבנו הראוותני.
אנו נדרשים בדרך של כפרה
להפסיק כל יריב ארור אחרון.
למה שנבזבז זמן על דיונים
השקר הברור שלהם אומר בבוטות
שקרים משוערים, שקר מופרך?
מה שאנו מאמינים אינו דורש הוכחה.
מה שאנחנו אומרים זה נכון. מה הם אומרים? שקר.
על זה אנחנו מסכימים. מישהו חייב למות.

قرطاج ديلاندا إست.
الإنسان (الغير) طيب القلب في أفضل حالاته.
نحن مطالبون من باب التكفير
بإنهاء كل خصم لعين.
لماذا نضيع الوقت في مناقشة
أكاذيبهم الواضحة التي تصرح بشكل صارخ
بأكاذيب مفترضة، وكذب غير مهذب؟
ما نؤمن به لا يحتاج إلى دليل.
ما نقوله هو الحقيقة. ماذا يقولون؟ كذبة.
نحن متفقون على هذا. يجب أن يموت شخص ما.

Tuesday, October 8, 2024

Numb. 1170 Darn Old Remembers

Donald J. Trump suggested in a radio interview on Monday that he had visited war-torn Gaza in the past, a place there is no record of him visiting. When asked to clarify, a campaign aide said that Gaza is “in Israel” and that Mr. Trump has visited Israel. The New York Times

(sung to the tune of On The Street Where You Live")

To Gaza I have been before.

Played the course. 

I guess it was before the war.

I had loads of fun.

Eighteen holes-in-one.

Now they say my great mind’s like a sieve.

I can feel the breeze 

in that Gaza town.

I recall I heard dogs bark

each time I played a round.

My golf ball soars

soon as I yell “Fore”.

Now they say my great mind’s like a sieve.

And their empowering feeling

just because they knew I was near.

The applause, the waving, the cheering

as I shift my golf cart to passing gear.

It is so unfair. It still bothers me.

The mem’ry of my trip is such a part of me.

Let the facts deny. It is not a lie.

Just that my great big mind's like a sieve.

Monday, October 7, 2024

Numb. 1169 Problem Solving 101 (or Disinherit Die Kinder)

If spayin’ and neut’rin’s best fur pets,

why not do it t’ chillun?

Make ’em less a cause fur regrets,

less prone, in do course, t’ rebell’n?

Yes, yes, I hear what yer sayin’,

Neut’rin’, ’ spayin’ ya mean no gran'chillun?

No one’ll visit when I’m old ’n’ feeble?

’n’, if I’m rich, act all agree’ble?

fetch glasses o’ water t’ go with m’ pill?

askin', all casual, What’s in yer will?'”

Small price to pay! Is what I say!

Excuse, please, if I seem vehement.

We go this way, one not far away day

the planet'll be far less v’olent.

On this can there be disagreement?

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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