Who says our War For Succession is over?
Long live The Confederate States.
while “Union” shrinks at an astounding rate.
Ulysses S. Grant was born in Ohio.
Today’s Buckeyes fight on our side.
Where is their sad, dead, “useless” general?
Riverside Drive, Upper West Side.
The heartland is ours, along with THE SOUTH
and, as you would expect, the southwest.
Northeast and northwest will soon come over.
California, New York? Awaiting conquest.
With Darn Old our savior, our gladiator,
we’ll repeal the previous century,
making the nation one vast plantation
while introducing de-desegregation.
Declaring our nation a Christian enclave,
we’ll outlaw security cradle to grave.
With our stars and bars forever unfurled,
we’ll bring into being a God-washed white world