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Friday, December 13, 2024

Numb. 1235 From Here To Freedom Come

I am required to pass a test, get a license,

before I can drive a car?

Any car — new, old, domestic,

imported, gas, diesel, electric —

if I can afford it with whatever I'm left

after unfair — by which I mean any — taxation?

And insurance and seat belts?

Don’t get me started!

I thought we were meant to be free.

With all this government interference,

things don't seem that free to me.

Life, Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness —

is what America means.

No room for taxes (or vaccine mandates)

anywhere near America’s genes.

Speed limitations, clean air, food, water …

matters of personal preference.

Building permits, zone regulations?

Here on my land, your “rules” are irrelevant!

I think Ayn Rand too Socialistic —

it is well known that she was born in Russia.

With Trump back (forever?) I am optimistic,

with library bans we can finally crush her

and every one else who according to me

gets in the way of my being free.

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020