An Incorrect of Economists
A Self-Interest of Politicians
A Purposeless of Atheists
A Number of Mathematicians
An Irrational of Religionists
A Worthless of Statisticians
A Best-Guess of ScientistsA Goon of Union Supporters
A Slap-On-The-Back of Capitalists
An Emptiness of Philosophers
A Phallusy of Psychoanalysts
A Cooked-Book of Budgeteers
A Misunderstanding of Socialists
An Almost of Engineers
A Self-Absorbed of PerformersEin Dummkopf of Thinkers
A Blow-It-Up of ReformersA Toolbox of Tinkerers
A Forlorn of Democrats
A Menace of GOPers
A Reprehension of Representatives
A Senile of Senators
A My-Mind-Is-Made-Up of Supreme Justices
A Frenzy of Us Fogy Fussbudgets