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Thursday, December 5, 2024

Numb. 1230 Trump II Day I

Presidential Decree #I

January 20, 2025

Rules, regulations,

laws signed by Biden

I declare null and void.

Judges appointed

are dis-appointed.

Requisite force

will be deployed.

Saving our nation:

Slow Joe's usurpation

has, today, come to an end.

Those who supported it

I order deported.

As they say in UK,

“There, now I sorted it.”

Pardons make sense

for Jan 6 offenders".

Arrests commence:

Dems, Cheney, Pence.

(PLUS any who,

I say, betrayed me

or in some way,

I think, disobeyed me.)

Marshall law

will be enforced

by pillow guy

Mike Lindell’s posse.

Terrific pillows.

He likes me a lot!

And HE does NOT

call me a NAZI.

Cabinet shapes up

fabulists, rapists,

entirely fact-free.

In fact, like me.

Project two-oh-two-five.

So much to undo.

What to include

in Decree #II?

Disbanding Congress?

Closing the courts?

Include Pussy Grabbing

among Bigly sports?

Appoint Tucker Carlson

for obvious reasons

to head up my new

Department of Demons?

Has there ever been

anyone as clever as me?

Person, man, woman,

camera, TV!

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020