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Tuesday, November 19, 2024

Numb. 1223 Thoughts For The End Times

You needn’t be dense to deny climate changing

as you watch while Antarctica melts.


However, it sure as hell helps.

You cannot o’ercome plate tectonic subduction

by having the state own the means of production.

The human attention span, if it exists,

is somewhat less than that of a goldfish.

Had we stayed in the trees

eating fruit, bark, and leaves,

we could have never become

“Destroyer Of Worlds” —

our worst ever notion,

seeing we have only one.

Nevertheless, from trees we descended

and, as a result, the planet upended.

Starting all over? NOT recommended.
Given the messes we keep creating
our continued existence is exacerbating.

Blog Morgue

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020