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Wednesday, November 13, 2024

Numb. 1212 We Thought, We Were, Therefore?

Newspapers are always shouting “GUN VIOLENCE!”.

Typical liberal media tactics.

What it is, in truth and in fact, is

advanced enhancements in target practice.

*    *    *

Our Founding Fathers
did not invent
“advise and consent”
to circumvent Trump,
our REAL president.
Their TRUE intent
was to prevent
intervention by Satan
in covenant government.
Senators, Congressmen,
you must not hamper him.
Act quick, don't think,

rubber stamp, pamper him.

*    *    *

RFK Jr. thinks vaccines are a plot.

Anyone taking them he'd order shot.

*    *    *


Children under 18 should have a vote

which their dads can legally cast for them.

Women, of course, will have their own.

However, when voting, they can't be alone.

A husband (or father) must be by their side

to aid and advise and help them decide.