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Monday, November 11, 2024

Numb. 1209 A Call To Inaction (or For YOUR Distraction)

In the twenties and thirties cabaret wits

in Berlin tore Hitler's NAZIs to bits.

Did this, you suppose, pave the road to Auschwitz?

Fast forward, today the U S of A:

On TV, a Groucho of funnymen quips, 

“Trump ruins children’s posterity.”

In board rooms, an Elon of moneymen raves,

“Trump stands for greater prosperity.”

From pulpits, a Graham of clergymen preaches, 

“Trump is God's blessing on Christian society.”

In jungles, in seas, in desserts, in trees,

changing climate increases mortality.

How did this happen? An okay nation

set itself up to get conned?

Is this what the Weimar Republic was facing

as it sped to its death down die Autobahn?

Our crumbling interstates? Might they maybe? save us?

Will we be protected by potholes courageously

controlling how fast disaster can flow?

Or would it be better to get guns and ammo,

and go I don’t know? to Idaho?

Should we sit cussing disgusting fate
or take arms against seas of trouble?
Can Trump be stopped? Sorry, too late....
Best we prepare for living 'neath rubble.