Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.
Let’s drink to the biased from birth.
Raise your glass in support of their evil.
God bless their plan to ethnic cleanse Earth.
Let’s forget about loser dumb soldiers,
who die in battle and then fertilize Earth.
If these poor suckers give us widows and orphans,
let’s just pretend that they have no worth.
When I search my smiley-faced crowd,
proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.
They don’t look strange to me.
In fact they look alright.
Raise your glass to the hardcore White racists.
Don’t joke (in public) about bald, tattooed heads.
Let’s sell them crap so I can make millions.
If then they vote for me I won’t wish them dead.
Give a cheer for my billionaire PAC men,
giving the poor an unearned poke in the nose.
They’re a procession John Galt-y bastards,
spreading both cancer and polio.
When I see all those smiley-faces,
proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.
They don’t look strange to me.
In fact they look just right.
Let’s drink to all hardcore White racists.
Let’s fuggedabout all others on Earth.
Let’s think how we’ll fill their spaces
when we eliminate them from our Earth.
Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.
Let’s rid ourselves of others on Earth.
Let’s get rid of, say, three or four billion.
Prevent their children from inheriting Earth.
Let’s keep assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
Assaulting the Earth
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