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Monday, October 14, 2024

Numb. 1174 Marjorie Musings

When so-called “meteorologists”

unleash multiple meteor storms,

will left-leaning “Rothschild apologists

admit this is how a hurricane forms?

That they're the products of evil forces?

(Much like the many such under my bed.)

I have this from reliable sources.

(Voices that argue and shout in my head.)

Trump/Pence VANCE! alone can save us

from Democrat Party onslaughts.

Outrageous plots to further enslave us.

According to FOX. And Musk X reports.

Come Guy Fawkes, the fifth of November,

if Dems even whisper they’ve won,

we will do things they will remember.

All the while smiling. I've. Got. My. Gun!

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