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Monday, October 7, 2024

Numb. 1169 Problem Solving 101 (or Disinherit Die Kinder)

If spayin’ and neut’rin’s best fur pets,

why not do it t’ chillun?

Make ’em less a cause fur regrets,

less prone, in do course, t’ rebell’n?

Yes, yes, I hear what yer sayin’,

Neut’rin’, ’ spayin’ ya mean no gran'chillun?

No one’ll visit when I’m old ’n’ feeble?

’n’, if I’m rich, act all agree’ble?

fetch glasses o’ water t’ go with m’ pill?

askin', all casual, What’s in yer will?'”

Small price to pay! Is what I say!

Excuse, please, if I seem vehement.

We go this way, one not far away day

the planet'll be far less v’olent.

On this can there be disagreement?

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