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Tuesday, October 1, 2024

Numb. 1164 It Ain't Over 'Til The Fat Lady Sings

Five minutes, Miss Smith.

(sung to the tune of Melanie’s “Leftover Wine”)

What do you do when a country’s all done?

What do you do when a Darn Old has won

by spending time selling lies about crime

in his insistent, incontinent whine?

A line borrowed from the pledge we've all said

liberty and justice for all lay ahead,

but Darn Old belongs to the pre-Dylan time

and thinks changin’ back to then is just fine.

We all can foresee the country’s decline

whoever’s in charge, what with changing clime.

There is no answer, no reason, no rhyme.

The only solution is drink much more wine.

We all can foresee the country’s decline

whoever’s in charge, with our fast changing clime.

There is no answer, no reason, no rhyme.

So before we go please, much, much more wine.


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The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020