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Thursday, October 31, 2024

Numb. 1194 Gunning For Darn Old

COULD Darn Old Trump fire ANY gun?

Or even work out how to trigger it?

Easing fat finger into the guard,

squeezing soft? … WOULDN'T he figure it

a threat to his manhood? … NOT going hard?

NOT going fast? NOT having fun?

In person, he CANNOT fire anyone.

So I put it to you: he COULD NOT fire a gun,

and on Fifth Avenue COULDN'T shoot anyone.

Wednesday, October 30, 2024

Numb 1193 An American Fascist

How can you tell an American fascist?

When you tell him he's one he objects,

saying he's saving American masses

from horrible foreign or domestic threats.

He'll say it repeatedly until you

agree. If you do ... still gonna kill you.

We were as slow as past-date molasses --

so long to hone our owned* home-grown fascist.


*by V. Putin

Tuesday, October 29, 2024

Numb. 1192 Grazie, No Nazi

Darn Old said he is no NAZI.
He said, in fact, he's the opposite.
I cannot wait 'till his friends on FOX
say he confessed to being a communist.

Numb. 1191 Salt Of The Earth (Darn Old's Version)

Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.

Let’s drink to the biased from birth.

Raise your glass in support of their evil.

God bless their plan to ethnic cleanse Earth.

Let’s forget about loser dumb soldiers,

who die in battle and then fertilize Earth.

If these poor suckers give us widows and orphans,

let’s just pretend that they have no worth.

When I search my smiley-faced crowd,

proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.

They don’t look strange to me.

In fact they look alright.

Raise your glass to the hardcore White racists.

Don’t joke (in public) about bald, tattooed heads.

Let’s sell them crap so I can make millions.

If then they vote for me I won’t wish them dead.

Give a cheer for my billionaire PAC men,

giving the poor an unearned poke in the nose.

They’re a procession John Galt-y bastards,

spreading both cancer and polio.

When I see all those smiley-faces,

proto-fascists, red-hatted whites.

They don’t look strange to me.

In fact they look just right.

Let’s drink to all hardcore White racists.

Let’s fuggedabout all others on Earth.

Let’s think how we’ll fill their spaces

when we eliminate them from our Earth.

Let’s drink to the hardcore White racists.

Let’s rid ourselves of others on Earth.

Let’s get rid of, say, three or four billion.

Prevent their children from inheriting Earth.

Let’s keep assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Assaulting the Earth

Stones's Version

Monday, October 28, 2024

Numb. 1190 Our Darn Old

There was a man people called Darn Old,

who took his morals from Benedict Arnold.

Lying, conniving,

his brain dumpster diving,

and at the same time charnel and carnal.

Numb. 1189 Rally Round The Racist

Darn Old is certain he's nobody’s racist.
He loves most North Europe peons.
And southern peasants — Spics, Eyeties, Greeks —
who he considers near human beings.

Lowlifes invading from shit-hole lands —
mad diseased murderers, rapists and crooks.
He feels their pain. (If not a lot).
Crossing HIS border, they will be shot.

Darn Old’s America is for White Supremacists.
That’s what the Founders intended.
Everyone else he views as a nemesis,
therefore he forbids them access to HIS premises.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Numb. 1188 Let All People Go (to hell in a hand basket)

Which cause is real?

Depends how you feel,

whose history you disagree with.

With every dictum

“We are the victim,

we must be free to kill or evict ‘em”

it is hard to decide 

which side to side with

which — if either — you’d choose to abide with.

Change the faces

the times, the places …

this is the norm,

we don't do stasis.

Friday, October 25, 2024

Numb. 1187 Shower Room Putter Sniper

Less than 24 hours after Donald Trump went on a bizarre rant about golf legend Arnold Palmer, the athlete’s oldest daughter dismissed the former president’s vulgar comments about the size of her father’s penis.

“I thought it was an unfortunate way to remember my dad,” Peggy Palmer told The Independent. — The Independent

Darn Old and Arnold's

personal putter

Darn Old’s astonishment

absolute utter

he’d ne’er seen a club

of  such size

and he saw plenty of

Cohn’s pretty guys 

who when young

he hung with for fun


his hole-in-one

before growing

his ginormous gut

what you call

making a put

Thursday, October 24, 2024

Numb. 1186 Wishful Thinking

’Tis the night of election in GOP Hall
no consciences stirring (theirs are very small)
among the assembled political hacks,
wary of daggers thrust in their backs,
when out in the foyer there arises a ruckus,
everyone whimpering, “The idiot fucked us!”
No one seeks out a mic or a camera
as FOX, reluctantly, declares for Kamala.
In a dark corner, McConnell, head in his hands,
wails loudly, crying, “I can’t understand.
Yes, he’s a miserable son of a bitch.
But we still need him. How dare voters switch!”
Crude Giuliani, forsaken and shrunken,
in his now accustomed state (drunken),
slurps his cigar while smoking his Scotch,
openly stroking non-functioning crotch.
Ivanka and Jared, Eric and Junior 
start to depart. They would have gone sooner
had not Trump commanded — such power he wields! —
to keep them around as human shields.
Trump abandons pretending being a hard one
and telephones Biden, begging his pardon.
GOP Senate and House candidates
go down to defeat at astounding rates.
Judges, unable to change their demeanor,
to the last man, flee to Argentina.
White supremacists embrace their nemesis,
misogynists don pink pussy hats.
Bad GOPers all say, “Pardon me.
We’ll live happily after.” And that will be that.
Though it's fun to pretend how things could go,
this is a Hemingway
pretty to think so".

Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Numb. 1185 Bible Study Lesson 1

In Numbers 16, Moses quashes dissent

by murdering all his opponents.

He said, “God did it. Well ... didn't forbid it",

murmuring that at some future date he'd make an attempt at atonement.”

There was this land of milk and honey,

inhabited, but godforsaken.

“Hey, Moish,” said YHWH, “listen up, Sonny, 

yours for the takin’, fuhgeddaboud bacon.”

“Whoever’s not with me’s against me."

Or is it the other way round?

Problem of speaking in parables being,

it mayn't be true, but it sounds pretty.

Slavery IS in the Bible.
Therefore, it must be okay
with God. And furthermore,
would not it be odd 
for a good Christian 
to say do away with it?
Slaves on the bill
was ever God's will
and one has to reckon 
She feels that way still.

Tuesday, October 22, 2024

Numb. 1184 Preachers Discected

Religion that’s civilized should tolerate blasphemy,

among other things it should do.

A god, all powerful, doesn’t need fallible

beings meting out punishment due

to miscomprehension of  divine dos and don’ts

by demented disciples whose own wills and won’ts

confuse them as to whose will is done,

who find sermonizing much, much more fun

than caring for bodies or souls or the poor,

who take satisfaction in slamming the door

in anyone’s face with whom they disagree,

who think, “Nobody’s ever been holy as me.”

Monday, October 21, 2024

Numb. 1183 Ah Hell, Not A Litany


Fine-all destination.

End of the line for American nation.

Satan provides a standing ovation.

Hey, Evangelicals, here's your “salvation”.

It’s the effect that follows causation.

Did you expect an all-paid vacation?

You swim in a cesspool, this is cessation.

Following dictator Darn Old’s dictation,

disregarding his fornication,

in his presence enjoying elation?


Unblinking, thinking, “It’s just titillation.”?

Watching FOX’s dis-illumination,

did you anticipate divine coronation?

Did not you, daily, send a donation

including phone and mailing location?

Means and ends demand correlation.




I could go on, but craving truncation,

I'll finish now. You watch your hydration.

Sunday, October 20, 2024

Numb. 1182 A Letter To The Editor

 I beg of you, please don’t vote for my dad.
He is a very bad man.
A beast, a liar, a bounder, a cad,
which he can’t hide with orangeade tan.

Without epiphany, fat little “Phiffany”,
Dad’s LFD: Least Favorite Daughter.

I fear they're afraid to come forward,
brothers, “Larry”, “Daryl” and “Daryl”,
'cuz Dad has them always over a barrel.

Stepmom Melania has melancholia,
so she is mostly sedated.
Her NDA is reviewed every day.
Needless to say, she’s frustrated.

Without a plan,

I do what I can

to stop this hippopotamus.

Sincerely yours,

A daughter, Anonymous

Numb. 1181 Conservative Run-ons On Soccer (A Pre-emptive Petition Presuming Transition)

Why can’t we Conservatives talk, at all, of the obvious pitfalls of soccer? More, every day, OUR children comport in this foreign sport, a mockery of football and U.S. democracy. While at the same time, in far-away climes, aliens mock us, purporting OUR football's boring, monotonous. With imported soccer increasingly popular, OUR society's falling apart: LGBTQIA+ highlights setting their sights on ungodly claim to their share of OUR equal rights; childless cat ladies sharpen their claws, preparing to fight us (down on all fours?); abortion proponents' distorted components ballot initiatives forestalling just laws forcing women to do what we say OUR God requires them to. Such things never happened before soccer was popular. OUR only demand? That soccer be banned. Once this foreign product is off of OUR shelves, we'll get all upset about something else.

Saturday, October 19, 2024

Numb. 1180 Darn Old Redux or Ass Id Reflux

It does not matter Darn Old is senile,

that he’s lost his hold on reality,

when we consider the greater picture —

total depraved, immorality.

With his reascension the country is shot,

and we’ll need an escape from our misery.

This non-medical Mengele, his brain gone to pot,

will tailor a swift end to history.

This deviant being to human norm, 

this Devil’s disciple blowing his horn,

this Chicxulub Meteor in fleshy form,

makes me despair I ever was born.

Friday, October 18, 2024

Numb. 1179 Trump Fix For Ukraine

Trump blames Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for starting war with Russia

Donald Trump on Thursday blamed Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky for helping start that nation’s war with Russia, a comment that further suggests Trump is likely to decrease U.S. support for Ukraine if he wins the Nov. 5 election.The Globe and Mail 

A clear provocation. A near assault.

So-called war ... Zelensky’s own fault.

Ukraine encroaching on Putin's door steppe.

Cause of it all. Don't say, “Except ..."

Let me be blunt, Ukraine's an affront

to Russian dignity. Therefore the front

running along make-believe border.

Ukraine is Russia per Vladimir's order!

Just give it up. Do I make myself clear?

“Cry Me A River”, ain't Ukraine, Volodymyr .

No point continuing your Russian roulette.

Smart money's on Putin — he’s safer bet.

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