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Sunday, September 15, 2024

Numb. 1144 NFL Sunday

It’s high time, NFL. Ya gotta think big.

Rebrand yourself White Football League.

To hell with Mahomes throw him off the bus.

Grow some cojones. Listen to us.

We love concussions. More violence, more sport.

But we're partic’lar ’bout with whom we comport.

We wee, skinny white boys cannot compete

with them bigger [redacted] — we’re too effete.

However much THEY may complain,

the darker their skin the less they feel pain.

What Founders thought they were creating

had nothing to do with desegregating.

Our Fathers foresaw an Aryan game.

What it’s become is a damned fucking shame.

(To you, rich team owners, who pick up the tabs,

think of your savings without the McNabbs".)

Reclaim our game, return to our roots.

Us good ol' white boys ain’t no substitutes.