Saturday, March 27, 2021

Numb. 1084 The Sky IS NOT Falling Just Yet

Much-feared asteroid Apophis won't hit Earth for at least 100 years, Nasa says

Chunk of space rock was once the ‘poster child for hazardous asteroids’ but it will be a while before humans need to worry about it again

a view of earth from space
The asteroid Apophis was thought to be a risk of hitting Earth in 2068. Photograph: AP

We have to assume we'll get through this.
We have to assume we'll survive.
We have to assume, not a moment too soon,
the miracle happens, the cavalry arrives.

BUT … if our assumptions are simply presumptions
based on nothing but wishes,
AND, begging the question, suggest the suggestion
may not we all soon sleep with the fishes?

Hope springs eternal. A notion infernal
which nevertheless served us well,
added illusion, enhanced delusion,
diverted conclusion it's all gone to hell.

Such is the nature of Freud's Life Drive.
We've condemned to assume we'll come out alive.
Today this is seen as increasingly quaint
as many now realize that true it ain't.

Forget the future, choose present instead.
As Keynes often warned in the long run we're dead. 

Thursday, March 25, 2021

Numb. 1083 Status Quo Vadis

The Russians tried fixing 
their Communist system.
They could not fix it.
They had to deep-six it.

As we tinker with Capitalism
we find it is much the same.
There is no system that works forever.
There is no system that can not be gamed
by wheelers and dealers whose iffy appeals
bring out the worst in us all
and we buy-in to too-good-to-be deals,
ignoring, as always, the words on the wall.

Sooner or later your tents will fold.
Sooner or later you're out in the cold.
Circumstance is not an impertinence.
The permanent thing is impermanence.

Wednesday, March 24, 2021

Numb. 1082 Know Thorn Hemisphere

Bodies of water are never forever.
Seas, lakes, and gulfs come and go.
Fed by springs, streams, and rivers
which, apart and together, go with the flow.
Puddles dry up, continents drift,
mountains arise in tectonic shifts.
The world rearranges, everything changes.
Do not form attachments to mountain ranges.
Empires rise. Empires fall.
What, after all, is the point of it all?
What matter which actor wins which award?
Who sets what record? What is outlawed?
Things come apart, things coalesce.
Every which way, it is a mess.
Today I find everything so depressing.
But, then again, that's what I do every Spring.

Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Numb. 1081 American Exceptionalism (Covid edition)

For other countries, Covid is good.
'Bout time THEY learned their lesson.
But it must be understood,
Cause and effect do not apply
in our shining city high on the hill,
I can not see why they'd bother to try
given our pluck, what with our will.
We are the good guy, in the white hat.
We breathe free, we need no mask.
Covid can't hurt us, and that is that.
(We're divorced from reality, if you need to ask.)

If Covid-19 is Nature's attempt
to combat a pest infestation,
the record will show we are exempt,
in our fantastical imagination.
With our God-given exceptionalism,
we will be safe as end time approaches.
Although this belief causes derision,
we'll laugh here after. Along with the roaches.

Monday, March 22, 2021

Numb. 1080 Spamming Sperm (a version)

SPERM IS biological SPAM.
What is the point of either?
So much ejaculate stuff.
And the result is that lies are
made and innocents played.
I find this extremely distasteful.
Not only that, it is wasteful.
Hundreds of millions, and but one “succeeds” …
why does supply so exceed need?
Where is the wisdom in this cock-eyed system?
Cheap to produce, a breeze to let loose …
the “payoff” is way off and not guaranteed.

Sunday, March 21, 2021

Numb. 1079 Immigration Reform

GET THE HELL back where you come from.
To the lands where your ancestors lived.
There is no place for foreigners here,
dirty and dumb, with too many kids.
That goes for last century's Eyeties,
and the previous hundred years' Micks,
the Polacks, the Yids, the Krauts, the Chinks …
EVERYONE, 'specially murdering Spics.
This means you too, blimey Limeys,
you Frogs, you grog-drunken Dutch.
And the descendants of African slaves,
who did not choose to come here, as such.
As to “indigenous” people, 
Redskin and Eskimo,
whose forefathers arrived somewhat earlier.
You, too, will have to go
back where you belong.
Every man jack, to be specific.
Once YOU PEOPLE are back in Africa,
the world, for us, will be terrific.
We NEANDERTHALS wandering continents,
gadding about uncontested,
free of you damnable “sapien” apes
to hunt and gather. As God intended.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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