Thursday, March 11, 2021

Numb. 1073 By Partisan

People avow beliefs passing strange
which, somehow, gather adherents.
Think religion. Think politics. Think economics.
Fields known to be prone to incoherence. 
Some people forever fall into error.
Not us, of course. We're ever so clever.
Unfailingly able to suss out THE TRUTH.
Which, in itself, is our ABSOLUTE PROOF.
Proof we (exclusively) know what we're about.
Proof we're superior without a doubt.
Proof we are God's (or history's) tool.
Proof, if you disagree, you are a fool.
A degenerate reprobate. A skunk. A weasel.
Co-existence with you is unnatural, unfeasible.
Your distorted positions are reprehensible.
Your continued existence is indefensible.

Wednesday, March 10, 2021

Numb. 1072 Hunt

The creature, I think, sensed the danger
as I closed in for the kill.
Yes, it was wary and it found me scary and
it sensed my lack of good will.
It hurriedly scurried but I was too quick.
(The finish took barely two seconds.)
Barehanded I blocked it, I squished it, coldcocked it.
'Twas a near painless end, I would reckon.

Was I justified in taking a life?
Did the creature have a husband, a wife?
Is violence — ever  the correct approach?
What does it matter that I splashed a roach?
A creature, like me, trying just to get by.
What right had I to say it must die?
Should it happen again, will I relent?
Probably not. I pay the rent.
I suppose, in some ways, I swerve Conservative:
if you can't pay, you don't deserve to live.
And if your existence on mine encroaches,
I will dispatch you. If you are roaches.

That said, CONSERVATIVES (in upper case)
care not a jot about species or race.
They see it ALL as moral problems
and killing opponents is the way they solve them.
Knowing that they are beyond reproach,
they are free to see us as roaches
who can be despatched with nary a qualm.
That we exist disturbs their calm.
If we lower orders now seem disgruntled,
think how we'll feel next time we're hunted.

Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Numb. 1071 The Road To Unwell Is Paved With Bad Inventions

There are so many people alive today
who really shouldn't be here.
“Best intentions” and civilization
created conditions where we are
too myopic to see without glasses,
so overweight we're slow as molasses,
with uber-, middle-, and lower-classes,
ensconced on the couch, flat on our asses.

Civilization, along with religion,
says aid people not “up-to-speed”.
So, unlike ALL other species,
within our unkind the “unfit” succeed
in propagating defective traits
which practical species dismiss.
That is why you never will see
specimens of nearsighted fish.

(In ancient Sparta, newborn “defectives”
were put out on hillsides to die.
A practice, perhaps, a tad too selective
that, today, few would abide by.
Although, I should note 
for “pro-lifers” who vote
on THAT issue alone, 
this might float your boat.)

American — i.e. WHITE CHRISTIAN — “Civilization”
is what many proclaim the base of our nation
as they propound their SELECTIVE humanity.
Selective or otherwise, is that our calamity?
Is this “humanity” blessing or curse?
Is it us at our best or we at our worst?
Care for the needy, while all fine and peachy,
might be a dead end for our self-righteous species …
We can not tell, but, after all,
is that what befell the Neanderthal?
Decrepit old uncles, gouty old louts,
'round the campfire? Then they died out?
Instead had they followed Aleut advice
and pushed dear old granny out on the ice … ?
“It's not that she's useless or that we don't care,
but it does help to feed the odd polar bear.”

The final exam for survival of fittest:
the strongest, the fastest, the quick wittedest.
The results are in and are here unveiled.
We regret to inform you, the lot of you failed.

Monday, March 8, 2021

Numb. 1070 On Compassing

We never can answer “Are we there yet?”
since we never know where we're going.
“Hell. In a handbasket!” seems a safe bet,
when my irascibility's showing.
Whichever way anyone leans,
someone will say, “ARE YOU NUTS?
We can NOT go THERE! NOT by ANY means!
And if you try, I'll rip out your guts!”
Any direction, upon reflection
is bound to offend someone, somewhere.
Any selection will cause an objection
and quickly lead you to nowhere.
Even not choosing is surely a losing 
strategy. Some will insist moving on.
Every direction makes an amusing
tragedy. Sooner or later, everything's gone.
A minute, an hour, a day, a year,
before you know it will all disappear.
And as for “history”, the takeaway
is: “What IN hell was THAT about anyway?”
It rains on “the just” and “the unjust” alike.
Should we tell LIFE, “Go take a hike?”
Should we laugh? Should we cry? 
Should we smile? Should we frown?
Why bother to try … ?
It's the one game in town.

Sunday, March 7, 2021

Numb. 1069 Texas Miranda Last Rights

You have the right to be stupid.
You have the right to not wear a mask.
You have the right to get Covid and die.
You have the right to a plain pine box casket.
You have the right to refuse an injection.
You have the right to be a right fool.
You have the right to “live” to Texas.
(And sit, if you like, on a two-legged stool.)
You have the right to be inconsiderate.
You have the right to act like an idiot.
You have the right to be a jerk.
That is how a democracy works.
You have the right to do for yourself,
you Texas dumbasses, BUT NO ONE ELSE!

Archive week of:


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My photo
When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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