Thursday, March 4, 2021

Numb. 1068 In The Beginning

Commemorative of our first edition. 

“Rhyme For The Day”
Monday, March 6, 2017

Poor little Donald.
Oh, how it stings.
Barack taps his wires.
Vlad pulls his strings.
Spicey complains.
Conway “explains”.
Mikey waits in the wings.

(Who knows where the time went?)

Wednesday, March 3, 2021

Numb. 1067 Over The River

With every other predator species
we wish their numbers controlled.
While with our own — depending on skin tone —
the goal is forever increasing the fold.
Content, we contend making more of us
will clean up the messes we've caused.
What is this purported exceptionality 
that we feel frees us from natural laws?
Created by God, evolved to be “best”,
or invertebrate-inveterate, hubristic pests?

Tuesday, March 2, 2021

Numb. 1066 GOP Coalition: Traditional Conservatives

We deplore the sun's setting, 
despise its arising,
abhor all things not of our devising.
We oppose destabilizing
status quo we find energizing.

Monday, March 1, 2021

Numb. 1065 Wishes Aren't Horses

It is fiction that virtue will manage.
Virtue, in fact, performs below average.
If you are looking for an advantage,
chances improve if you go savage.

It is not likely we'll “save” the planet.
It's foolish to think that we could.
If we eke out a year or two more,
then we can say, “Damn, we done good!”

Sunday, February 28, 2021

Numb. 1064 On In Lightening

The Western conception Buddhist Enlightenment 
is irredeemably flawed.
Understanding is not a bolt of lightning, 
more of a nearly heard drone or a plod
which can culminate in a EUREKA! moment 
if years of hard work coalesce,
if, in a second, things fall into place 
if, for a moment, it all makes sense,
if delusions dissolve, if confusions collapse,
if you can take comfort in a perhaps. 

Achieving Buddhahood is not the norm.
If you have heard otherwise, you've been misinformed.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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