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Sunday, May 9, 2021

Numb. 1116 Protocols Of GOP Deadenders

call climate change a China scam?
Burning coal and spewing gas
cannot wreck the world that fast!

Round about FOX channels go;
into poison'd discourse throw
“Linseed” Graham, “Dodger” Stone
to prove we've nothing to atone.
Boasts and lies swirl in the pot.
This we need to do, a lot.

Double, double toil and trouble;
fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
FOX fillets of fake news make
THE SQUAD burn at the stake;
lies of Newt and alt-right blogs;
Covid bats and Lincoln logs;
Mitch's chin; Ted Cruz's “thing”;
Hawley's fist; Cheney's singing
form a charm of woeful trouble,
like a hell-broth boil and bubble.

Double, double toil and trouble;
fire burn, and cauldron bubble.
Despite the likes of Michael Wolff,
what we've done is bullet proof.
Incite a riot on a lark;
pillow talk of oligarch;
Stephen Miller, though a Jew,
a true NAZI through and through;
in perfect speech this past Jan. 6
from Donald's lips upon Ellipse,
“The outcome is still up for grabs.
In you I trust, brave Proudful Lads.
Grab ye must, or I'll be SAD.
Don't let Dems let brown kids in.
Brown skin is reptilian.
Double, double toil and trouble;
fire burn and cauldron bubble.
Cool it with antifa blood.
No harm done. Understood?”
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