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Tuesday, May 4, 2021

Numb. 1113 How They Gonna Keep Us Down On The Farm

MANKIND EVOLVED to live in small groups.
A family, a tribe, or a clan.
Cities, towns, not even villages
were ever a part of the plan.
Nor was living among other animals.
(Where we would all share diseases.
Bad enough that “cousin” next door
never covers her mouth when she sneezes.)
It was unheard of to live in herds of
tens and hundreds of millions.
And crazy nuts to give up our huts
and pack ourselves into pavilions.
It's as if some single-cell master
noting how ants took up “farming”,
said, “What the hell, we might as well
gather these critters (delicious and warming),
pack them together so we can inspect them,
tighter and tighter so we can infect them
and when we're hungry we can select them
to feed upon and breed upon,
be they breathing or carrion.”
This may not be true, but I am suspicious.
We could be the livestock in their agribusiness.
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