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Sunday, May 2, 2021

Numb. 1111 From The Aynie Randy Handybook

WE DO NOT CARE what happens tomorrow.
Except at the end of the quarter.
If profits are up over previous year's,
that is just how things ought to be.
When they are not, it IS NOT our fault.
It's lazy workers and government meddling.
Each of us is a piece of John Galt,
we shrug off defeat and demand “happy endings”.

Aynie assures us we are the best.
How can anyone question her genius?
She couldn't be better, we guess, unless
in secret she grew a penis.
Not, of course, that we've read her.
At least, not since high school,
Reading! Come on! Who has the time?
(Except for Forbes, the Capitalist tool.
For a whore spanking, THE paradigm.)

Have a quick fuck. Make a quick buck.
Let tomorrow bring on whatever.
Just stack the deck, then say it's luck.
Admit being modestly clever.
Cheating's allowed. (DO NOT say that out loud!)
Everyone does it. (Or they get plowed.)
Never do good when you can do well.
NEVER be celibate. Celebrate hell.
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