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Tuesday, March 30, 2021

Numb. 1087 Toward A Permanent Majority

WE CAN ACHIEVE a forever majority
restricting voting to our minority:
WHITE, ancestral NORTH-Europeans, 
perfectly STRAIGHT, unquestioning Christians,
who hold the BIBLE the ONLY authority
and owning guns the highest priority,
believers that life begins at conception,
(though they'd abort Liberals, without exception),
anti-vaxxers for lower taxes,
who hate sin in theory — if not in practice —
who think “climate change” a Liberal-Chink hoax —
good GOP moaks, our kind of folks —
who seek to accelerate OUR LORD's second coming,
who see life on Earth as down-market slumming,
who easily separate depraved from saved, 
who, given the chance, would reinstate slavery,
who are anti-Union and pro-Confederate,
who know organized labor is completely degenerate,
who think blond hair and blue eyes is what God's got,
and if you believe otherwise, they'll have you shot.