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Tuesday, March 23, 2021

Numb. 1081 American Exceptionalism (Covid edition)

For other countries, Covid is good.
'Bout time THEY learned their lesson.
But it must be understood,
Cause and effect do not apply
in our shining city high on the hill,
I can not see why they'd bother to try
given our pluck, what with our will.
We are the good guy, in the white hat.
We breathe free, we need no mask.
Covid can't hurt us, and that is that.
(We're divorced from reality, if you need to ask.)

If Covid-19 is Nature's attempt
to combat a pest infestation,
the record will show we are exempt,
in our fantastical imagination.
With our God-given exceptionalism,
we will be safe as end time approaches.
Although this belief causes derision,
we'll laugh here after. Along with the roaches.