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Sunday, March 21, 2021

Numb. 1079 Immigration Reform

GET THE HELL back where you come from.
To the lands where your ancestors lived.
There is no place for foreigners here,
dirty and dumb, with too many kids.
That goes for last century's Eyeties,
and the previous hundred years' Micks,
the Polacks, the Yids, the Krauts, the Chinks …
EVERYONE, 'specially murdering Spics.
This means you too, blimey Limeys,
you Frogs, you grog-drunken Dutch.
And the descendants of African slaves,
who did not choose to come here, as such.
As to “indigenous” people, 
Redskin and Eskimo,
whose forefathers arrived somewhat earlier.
You, too, will have to go
back where you belong.
Every man jack, to be specific.
Once YOU PEOPLE are back in Africa,
the world, for us, will be terrific.
We NEANDERTHALS wandering continents,
gadding about uncontested,
free of you damnable “sapien” apes
to hunt and gather. As God intended.