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Thursday, March 11, 2021

Numb. 1073 By Partisan

People avow beliefs passing strange
which, somehow, gather adherents.
Think religion. Think politics. Think economics.
Fields known to be prone to incoherence. 
Some people forever fall into error.
Not us, of course. We're ever so clever.
Unfailingly able to suss out THE TRUTH.
Which, in itself, is our ABSOLUTE PROOF.
Proof we (exclusively) know what we're about.
Proof we're superior without a doubt.
Proof we are God's (or history's) tool.
Proof, if you disagree, you are a fool.
A degenerate reprobate. A skunk. A weasel.
Co-existence with you is unnatural, unfeasible.
Your distorted positions are reprehensible.
Your continued existence is indefensible.