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Tuesday, March 9, 2021

Numb. 1071 The Road To Unwell Is Paved With Bad Inventions

There are so many people alive today
who really shouldn't be here.
“Best intentions” and civilization
created conditions where we are
too myopic to see without glasses,
so overweight we're slow as molasses,
with uber-, middle-, and lower-classes,
ensconced on the couch, flat on our asses.

Civilization, along with religion,
says aid people not “up-to-speed”.
So, unlike ALL other species,
within our unkind the “unfit” succeed
in propagating defective traits
which practical species dismiss.
That is why you never will see
specimens of nearsighted fish.

(In ancient Sparta, newborn “defectives”
were put out on hillsides to die.
A practice, perhaps, a tad too selective
that, today, few would abide by.
Although, I should note 
for “pro-lifers” who vote
on THAT issue alone, 
this might float your boat.)

American — i.e. WHITE CHRISTIAN — “Civilization”
is what many proclaim the base of our nation
as they propound their SELECTIVE humanity.
Selective or otherwise, is that our calamity?
Is this “humanity” blessing or curse?
Is it us at our best or we at our worst?
Care for the needy, while all fine and peachy,
might be a dead end for our self-righteous species …
We can not tell, but, after all,
is that what befell the Neanderthal?
Decrepit old uncles, gouty old louts,
'round the campfire? Then they died out?
Instead had they followed Aleut advice
and pushed dear old granny out on the ice … ?
“It's not that she's useless or that we don't care,
but it does help to feed the odd polar bear.”

The final exam for survival of fittest:
the strongest, the fastest, the quick wittedest.
The results are in and are here unveiled.
We regret to inform you, the lot of you failed.