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Monday, March 8, 2021

Numb. 1070 On Compassing

We never can answer “Are we there yet?”
since we never know where we're going.
“Hell. In a handbasket!” seems a safe bet,
when my irascibility's showing.
Whichever way anyone leans,
someone will say, “ARE YOU NUTS?
We can NOT go THERE! NOT by ANY means!
And if you try, I'll rip out your guts!”
Any direction, upon reflection
is bound to offend someone, somewhere.
Any selection will cause an objection
and quickly lead you to nowhere.
Even not choosing is surely a losing 
strategy. Some will insist moving on.
Every direction makes an amusing
tragedy. Sooner or later, everything's gone.
A minute, an hour, a day, a year,
before you know it will all disappear.
And as for “history”, the takeaway
is: “What IN hell was THAT about anyway?”
It rains on “the just” and “the unjust” alike.
Should we tell LIFE, “Go take a hike?”
Should we laugh? Should we cry? 
Should we smile? Should we frown?
Why bother to try … ?
It's the one game in town.