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Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Numb. 1061 QAnon Believer Mad Scene Soliloquy, Take #42 (or Magical Thinking On Steroids)

I am for Trump, for Q, for God.
I follow orders. I am a fan.
I believe FOX leans Liberal Left.
I believe we must just trust THE PLAN.
I believe END TIMES are upon us.
I believe Armageddon is here.
Although he “studied” under Roy Cohn,
I can't believe Donald is queer.
Peculiar, perhaps, but that is normal,
for someone so handsome and rich.
If I leaned that way, I'd “do him” myself.
I mean … sonofabitch!
He can't be gay, he's hot for his daughter.
The skinny one, not the fat slob.
And, anyway, he screws models and porn stars.
Which goes to show, he isn't a snob.
When on March 4, he is resurrected,
when Donald — triumphant — returns,
when THE STORM we've been promised, at last, descends on us,
when we get that for which we yearn,
when pedophile Democrats are punished in earnest,
hung upside down from gas station signs,
when antifa terrorist are drawn and quartered,
our sun will shine. We'll be fine. (For a time.) 
Until then, clean your guns and be patient.
Lie low. (You could pretend to be dead.)
Stay alert! But relaxed. Don't get complacent.
But whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE YOUR MEDS!