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Monday, February 15, 2021

Numb. 1055 If We Did It: a concession from vanillas

We knew all along there was a conspiracy.
That's what all the signs showed us.
The Bible, Glenn Beck, Rush. Friggin' FOX!
All of our everyday best sources told us.
Plots afoot for destroying our nation,
from forces  shall we say?  international”.
People like Gates, the Rothschilds. AND SOROS!
These things are facts. We ARE NOT irrational.
What Forrest said was not jest or boast,
you gotta get there first with the most.
You say our FACTS are, in fact, erroneous?
You shake your head, get all sanctimonious?
There is a conspiracy! END OF DISCUSSION!
It is here. It is real. It is now. It is us'n.