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Friday, February 26, 2021

Numb. 1063 Random Rhymes For Overwrought Times (or Sum Of The Parts)

Civilization is the antithesis
that has led to whatever this is.

The human timeline does not scale to reality.
This, while true, is a banality.
We can not see beyond our mortality.
We distort to support a purport of morality.

Among things Liberals don't factor
is the practice a Civil War reenactor
gets for the next one by playing the last.
Though Covid may act as distraction,
backed by stacked SCOTUS and billionaire faction,
a vict'ry for Dixie this time should come fast.

Why is it that anti-vaxxers
refuse to pay income taxes?
Before you say, “Not that one again”,
is PayPal run from the Vatican?

Thursday, February 25, 2021

Numb. 1062 Litter It Pests

Literacy: the root of all evil,
is exclusive to human beings.
It is my thesis that no other species
for lack of an alphabet could be as mean
as we are, far meaner by far
than sharks, alligators, or lions.
We are the meanest, dadgumest species
without breakin' a sweat or even half tryin'.
What makes us excel, damn it to hell:
the ability to write and to read,
enabling us to record and recall
each increasingly horrible deed
that we do and build upon it,
forever refining, improving, advancing,
enhancing the steps of our pointless tap dancing.
(And DO NOT get me started on home refinancing.)

Plants do not plan, nor do other animals,
nor did our ancestors, who were hunter-gatherers,
living, we guess, in peace (more or less),
not like us literate, inveterate blathers
who insist upon going on and on,
about glorious pasts and glamorous futures
disregarding what, in fact, we've accomplished:
pollution, H-bombs, mobile phones, and computers.
It is not our “art” that sets us apart.
Our ancestors hand printed their caves.
It's keeping a record of what we've done.
Lies that continue from beyond the grave,
enabling the worst of us to get even better
at despoliation and unnatural disruption,
increasing the benefits of defective intellects,
bathing the world in man-made destruction.
The world, as a hole, does not care one bit.
The world, unlike us, IS NOT literate.
The world does not, I think, think us evil.
IF she could think, she'd think us weevils.

Wednesday, February 24, 2021

Numb. 1061 QAnon Believer Mad Scene Soliloquy, Take #42 (or Magical Thinking On Steroids)

I am for Trump, for Q, for God.
I follow orders. I am a fan.
I believe FOX leans Liberal Left.
I believe we must just trust THE PLAN.
I believe END TIMES are upon us.
I believe Armageddon is here.
Although he “studied” under Roy Cohn,
I can't believe Donald is queer.
Peculiar, perhaps, but that is normal,
for someone so handsome and rich.
If I leaned that way, I'd “do him” myself.
I mean … sonofabitch!
He can't be gay, he's hot for his daughter.
The skinny one, not the fat slob.
And, anyway, he screws models and porn stars.
Which goes to show, he isn't a snob.
When on March 4, he is resurrected,
when Donald — triumphant — returns,
when THE STORM we've been promised, at last, descends on us,
when we get that for which we yearn,
when pedophile Democrats are punished in earnest,
hung upside down from gas station signs,
when antifa terrorist are drawn and quartered,
our sun will shine. We'll be fine. (For a time.) 
Until then, clean your guns and be patient.
Lie low. (You could pretend to be dead.)
Stay alert! But relaxed. Don't get complacent.
But whatever you do, DO NOT TAKE YOUR MEDS!

Tuesday, February 23, 2021

Numb. 1060 Invictus Dismissed (or What Can You Do?)

SOMETHING, undoubtedly, happened 
a billion or so years ago
setting in motion the planet's commotion.
Just what it was we never will know.

Some aging star may have exploded,
two atoms might have combined.
Whatever it was, whenever it happened,
it can't be undone, we can't hit rewind.

Whatever will happen, WILL happen.
There is not a whole lot you can do.
I would not contemplate or think of debating
with FATE, if I were you.

One step, one game, one day at a time, 
towel in hand always — or at least in sight —
look down to third for coach's sign,
take the first two, then hit to right.

Monday, February 22, 2021

Numb. 1059 Voting: Aboriginal Intent (soon to be amended)

The founders never intended democracy.
They wrote REPUBLIC (where WEE PEOPLE vote),
not “equal and free” AOC prostitution.
What SHE calls “restrictions” WE call INTENT,
returning to what THE ORIGINALS meant.
As for THE REST OF YOU … “that's all she wrote”.

*Article IV, Section 4

The United States shall guarantee to every State in this Union a Republican Form of Government, and shall protect each of them against Invasion; and on Application of the Legislature, or of the Executive (when the Legislature cannot be convened) against domestic Violence. 

THAT means all over: game, match, and set. 

What part of REPUBLICAN do YOU not get?

Friday, February 19, 2021

Numb. 1058 Natural Ordure

Nature knows nothing of good or evil.
Never has done — from time primeval.
Nature cares only about propagation.
NOT economics or this or that nation.
Nature would never make any decision
regarding the falsity of a religion.
Nature, the topic of numerous theses,
gives not a feces for any species.

Nature knows not if we despair.
If we exist, SHE does not care.

Thursday, February 18, 2021

Numb. 1057 Boots On 'tother Footes

Texans, in years past, would often remark,
“Drive eighty and let Yankees freeze in the dark.”
It IS schadenfreude, but still it's a hoot
watching them schuss in wet snakeskin boots
in Texas, where they are home on the range,
in Texas, where they deny climate change,
in Texas, where now oil oligarchs —
in Texas! — are freezing, alone in the dark.

Wednesday, February 17, 2021

Numb. 1056 Covid The Vote

It isn't as if Biden truly beat Donald. 
It was this “China-made” pestilence,
despite his “big brain” and his “best words”.
Plus “rampant fraud” and Pence's incompetence.
Donald tried bluffing the virus away,
saying, “it'll be gone fairly soon —
come summer, or fall, or, you'll see, next spring,
it'll skedaddle town by high noon.”
As deaths shot up, his numbers dropped.
Covid would not treat him fair.
He then pretended to get it himself.
It didn't even muss up his “hair”.

Yup, it was Covid whut shot him his wad.
So, mebbe — jes mebbe — there is a god?

Tuesday, February 16, 2021

Numb. 1055 If We Did It: a concession from vanillas

We knew all along there was a conspiracy.
That's what all the signs showed us.
The Bible, Glenn Beck, Rush. Friggin' FOX!
All of our everyday best sources told us.
Plots afoot for destroying our nation,
from forces  shall we say?  international”.
People like Gates, the Rothschilds. AND SOROS!
These things are facts. We ARE NOT irrational.
What Forrest said was not jest or boast,
you gotta get there first with the most.
You say our FACTS are, in fact, erroneous?
You shake your head, get all sanctimonious?
There is a conspiracy! END OF DISCUSSION!
It is here. It is real. It is now. It is us'n.

Monday, February 15, 2021

Numb. 1054 Another GOP Manifesto

What is the point of democracy? Really!
Why should the hoi-polloi vote?
What business have they? I mean ideally 
They're only liable to rock our boat.

They must leave things to us. We are the betters.
The wealthy. The well-born. The able.
They must remain content in their fetters.
It's not for them to sit at high table.

In power, they'd claim what we've acquired
is not, inherently, ours.
They'd treat us indignantly. They'd call us liars.
Even demand we be placed behind bars.

Socially, we accept Darwin's wisdom.
Naturally! We're the cream of the crop.
Evolution gives rise to this fitness system.
We'll not stand athwart it, bellowing STOP!

We are the heirs of Abraham Lincoln,
but his ideals from us have been leached
as over time we've changed our thinking.
We must disinter him and have him impeached.

Sunday, February 14, 2021

Numb. 1053 Sedition Edition — Murder In The Rotunda

Re: the fake case against King Henry Second 
He never ordered that Becket be slaughtered.
A quartet of knights felt themſelves beckoned
and did for Becket. They were NOT ordered.

In the present tense, no one said“Go kill Pence”,
though some reasoned treason, calling him coward.
The president's confederates' Capitol (perhaps) offence
was concluding, therefrom, they'd been empowered.

Since Pence that day was whisked safe away,
it is fair to say there was no harm.
Yet impeach Democrats and Deep State bureaucrats
raise these unending false-phony alarms.

Had tally been right on his reelect night,
had process not dissolved into debacle,
we'd not have caught sight of brave White knights
insisting that Congress let Donald BE Donald.

The GOP jury can't CONtain our fury
at Dems' false, excess condemnation.
All this is about REALLY!  as all can see surely,
is demagogue-Dems acting-out botheration.

To cut to the gist,
we vote case dismissed.

Friday, February 12, 2021

Numb. 1052 Justification Threw GOP Alone

There's a non-zero chance 
the country is lost,
dumping Trump GOP sees
having too grave a cost
to their street cred with 
his mouth-foaming minions 
with whom, truth to tell, 
they share many opinions 
who they desire to keep in the choir
to sing along with small “r”  republican song,
NOT A Democracy (Well, Not For Long) 
which refrain, they triumphantly note,
refutes Dem's proclaiming one man, one vote.

Thursday, February 11, 2021

Numb. 1051 Calling Kettles

The Han Chinese [漢人]
are not at ease
with anything that
they think foreign.
Therefore it figures
they don't care for Uyghurs [ئۇيغۇرلار] 
treating them like
Ofays treat  Negroes.
And, for all that,
like Gweilos [鬼佬] treat Chinks.
We think we're clever
however we stink.

Wednesday, February 10, 2021

Numb. 1050 Environmental Insolvency

No point kicking the can down the road,
while not maintaining the highway.
Kicking the can is not the solution.
All that you get is roadside pollution.

Kicking said can IS the solution.
Though it may cause a little pollution.
Regulations and laws can not interfere.
God bless our fiscal year.

Sooner or later we have to grapple
with this appalling policy scrapple.
If there is no profit in doing right,
there is no tomorrow. Gracie, good night.

Tuesday, February 9, 2021

Numb. 1049 As A Precaution (or Borderline Personality Disorder)

To forever forfend Mexican water
from further befouling our holy border,
we are rebranding el Rio Grande
and will never refer to “The Gulf any more.

Our glorious wall, of course, is sufficient 
beautiful, tall, and impassable.
But with the return of His Magnificence 
any mention of Mexico may make him irascible.

Monday, February 8, 2021

Numb. 1048 Certainty: Death AND Texas (dissolution as solution)

Texas Republicans endorse legislation to allow vote on secession from US

Texas IS part of Mexico.
Always has been, always will be.
Cen'tries before Anglos showed up,
and, as is our wont, screwed everything up.

I say let 'em go  'ceptin' Austin.
Where they got them some regular folk.
As for the rest  id est gringo Texas 
let Mexico deal with olé friggin' joke.

(Hey, cowboy-oilmen, a bonus for you;
we'll willingly throw in Oh-KLA-ho-ma, too!)

Friday, February 5, 2021

Numb. 1047 QAnon Is NOT The Problem

QAnon is NOT different
from any other belief:
economic, ethnic, or — God help us — religious
in actual fact and in brief.

They are ALL cant,
variant forms of irrational rant,
attractive to people lacking an inkling,
attuned to magical — not critical! — thinking,
who, eager and anxious to lend an ear,
follow those saying what they wish to hear —
shills assuring them of their superiority.
These people, unfortunately, are the majority.

Thursday, February 4, 2021

Numb. 1046 American “Justice”

Those New England “clubhouse attendants”,
who deflated Tom Brady's balls,
are they now working for Tampa Bay?
Are they now working at all?
Were they signed to multi-year contracts
for millions and millions of bucks?
Were they dismissed, told “Go fuck yourself!”
(For getting caught.) “You dumb schmucks!”?
Were they, let's say, “taken care of”
in your typical South Boston way?
 “Jumping” into the slow-flowing Charles
 dawn awn tha shaws of Back Bay?

When Donald unleashed his horde on Congress
saying, “I'll be there, right by you side”,
then slunk back to the White House to watch,
was he after sad so few died?
That among the dead was not one Dem Senator,
nor one of THE SQUAD from the House?
That his hooligans failed to lynch his VP,
who he'd implied was a treasonous louse?

Donald is the GOP's Brady.
(Except he lacks any ability.)
His defense, like Brady's, rests totally on
an implausible deniability.
Will McConnell & Co. declare themselves free
of any and all culpability?
Are they resigned to buying the farm
owing to Donald's extreme lie-ability?

Time will tell. As it always does
until we're each locked in our box.
Can the Dems run their two minute drill?
Can the Republicans run out the clock?

Wednesday, February 3, 2021

Numb. 1045 Marjorie Taylor Greene

Marjorie Taylor Greene,
a refreshing new voice on the scene.
The lady from Georgia,
though hardly a Borgia,
is a GOP shot of caffeine.

Among Mistress Marjorie's peeves:
George Soros has up his sleeve
a Star of David 
sun-powered laser beam
controlled from Tel Aviv.

Mrs. G takes briskly to task
anyone wearing a mask,
which she refuses
because it abuses
our freedom to die and to gasp.

Marjorie hews to the rule:
there are no shootings in school.
If you don't agree,
she will feel free
to challenge you to a duel.

Lady G, for what it's worth,
has never discoursed on flat earth.
But I am certain,
before the curtain,
flatness will have a rebirth.

QAnon says, “There's a plot.
Marj says, Dems should be shot.
Or slapped in mannicals
for being cannibals.
Bring out the #MAGA stewpot.

The lady is radically lucid.
If you can't see that, you're too stupid.
Unlike K. McCarthy,
the GOP party,
and voters not easily dupe-ed.

Ain't nothing about Lady Marjorie
disagreeable to party majority.
They connect the dots.
Of which there are lots.
This ain't no LIB'REL hodgepodgery.

Rhyming on Marjorie tends
to not lend itself to an end.
So, I suppose,
I better close,
before I go 'round the bend.

Tuesday, February 2, 2021

Numb. 1044 Trump Defense Preview (I've GOT This)

I was on covers of TIME.
Nothing I did was a crime.
When I signed my name, 
it was end of game.
If I wasn't THE LAW,
what was it all for?

Kowtow before me, scurvy unworthies,
down on all fours on the floor
or else you'll be sent to Christie's New Jersey
away from the #MAGA when I am restored.

I AM Qanon's plan.
The King of Siam!
God's honest truth,
I am Babe Ruth.

Out, out, damned Constitution.
 Aux armes, jump start the Trump Restitution.

Monday, February 1, 2021

Numb. 1043 It's NOT Cheating If You Win

Tom Brady's clever.
Could be best ever.
Maybe best there ever will be.
It was not cheating 
deflating his balls.
Winning assured,
losing forestalled.
No foul, no harm,
no cause for alarm.
No need for consternation.
The only penalty that could be assessed:
his eventual three week vacation.

Elites' just desserts
should not disconcert.
It's whatever 
they get away with.
They cheat and steal.
If caught, they appeal.
Preferential deference,
in essence ideal.

The DAILY DOGGEREL 2017 - 2020