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Wednesday, January 13, 2021

Numb. 1031 January 13, 2021

Sometimes you get one of those days
where there is really no news.
No meeting committees. No means and ways.
No one expressing discordant views.
A day where everyone's resting in peace.
A day of contentment, absent all grief.
A day where nary a mad woman's killed.
A day of kind feelings and hopes fulfilled.
A day of complete contagious harmony.
A day you don't wish for a lobotomy.
A day made for having cookies and milk.
A day where torn cotton feels smooth as silk.
A day where you realize all men are friends.
A day where means outweigh the ends.
A glorious day. A day to enthuse.
A day you'd repeat if you could so choose.
A great, perfect day where nothing can faze.
The last twenty-four was NOT one of those days.