Thursday, December 3, 2020

Numb. 1002 Vaccine And Waning

This vaccine business? Part of the plot 
this virus conspiracy hoax.
Concocted entirely by Soros and Gates
just to corrupt us American folks.
Shots in the arm will do us harm.
Maybe convert us all to Islam?
Destroy our sperm, control our thoughts.
Make manly men wear girly culottes.
No way. No siree. They can't do that to me.
I intend to stay as I am.
I already know all I need to know.
And guess what? It isn't from pot
like those communist socialist smoked
while concocting this horrible hoax.

Wednesday, December 2, 2020

Numb. 1001 Some Ware, Oh, For The Rainbow, Unicorns

Cultured meat, produced in bioreactors without the slaughter of an animal, has been approved for sale by a regulatory authority for the first time. (More)

Let us pretend things are getting better.
Let us pretend we'll be fine.
Let us ignore all of our history.
Let us pretend water is wine.
Let us pretend we're vanquishing evil
or it's, at least, on the wane.
Let's just ignore how all of our progress
exacerbates our everyday pain.
Yes, let's rejoice how this new technique
will eliminate animal suffering,
how meat grown in vats, without killing anything,
will enable environmental recovery.
With lab-grown meat we won't be what we eat,
not chicks, not lambs, calves nor piglets.
None of our dishes will come from dead fishes.
This progression is surely prodigious.
For special treats we may even eat meat
from cells that come from ourselves
which, while nutritious and, doubtless, delicious,
will prove, down deep, we are still cannibals.

Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Numb. 1000 So Unfair (a short list of Trumplaints)

I am not green. I have no bulk.
I am not The Incredible Sulk!

I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
I won re-election. By two-hundred percent!

Rule of law vs. rule of men.
I'm talking now. You're talking then.

I was robbed. Election is fake.
I'm not a loser. It's a mistake.

The Founders were all rich white men.
I intend to return to the time when
moneyed white men made all the decisions.
And, for the poor, we had debtors prisons.

BLACKS and JEWS love me. LATINX, too.
So do all WOMEN. Except a few
low IQ losers, damned frigid bitches.
I would not ever get into their britches.

Of all the presidents, I am the best
who ever sat back of the Resolute desk.
As for the others, SAD bunch of wimps.
Not to get nasty, but … chumps and chimps?
Bores doing chores, pure plain vanillas.
Unlike yours truly, the King of best sellers.
The biggest, the fiercest, the bravest, the best.
Was any nation ever so blessed
as to be led by a genius like me
who banished Kaepernick for taking a knee,
who dealt with all issues profoundly, completely
and was re-elected totally, neatly?
(Except that everyone conspired to cheat me?)
But, I am no LOSER. THEY cannot defeat me.
I tweet loud and proud, my banner unfurled,
looking down on you all from the top of the world.

Monday, November 30, 2020

Numb. 999 What's IS It All About, Alfie?

Just because something may have been said
by somebody famous who now is long dead
does not mean it was ever true.
This goes for Moses, Jesus, Mohammed,
plus Gautama Siddhartha (the Buddha), 
Marx, Mao, and Lenin. Sigmund Freud, too.
AND all other sages throughout the ages 
Philosophers! Scientists! Gods”!
who said what they said and did what they did.
They ALL got it wrong. I mean, what are the odds
of anyone getting anything right,
of correctly assessing the data,
from but a few scraps which there is no perhaps
prove insufficient sooner or later?
Every discovery obsolesces those past.
Wonders and blunders fade ever so fast.
We just, I suggest, take a guess more than less
the best fit for a few observations.
If we get lucky, everything's ducky,
we're less incorrect. With reservations.
So we survive. And reproduce.
Which we assume is proof of some truth.
But what, after all, is the whole point?
As Hamlet says, “Time's out of joint.”
Hamlet, of course, is NOT a real being.
Being a fiction, I think, is freeing.
Strutting and fretting for but an hour
would, I submit, be a whole lot less dour
than overachieving an overripe age.
Here's to lives lived solely on stage.

Sunday, November 29, 2020

Numb. 998 FOX Populi 101

Abandon fact. 
Disregard truth.
What you need to believe
is aloof from proof.

“You are the best. 
Our enemies lurk.
We've been betrayed. 
THEY think you're a jerk.
We're besieged by invaders.
Surrounded by traitors. 
Who wears a mask? 
You've heard of Darth Vader?
The forces of evil conspire against us.
They're everywhere. 
They are relentless.

“Consider your neighbor. 
Is he suspicious?
What are his hidden vices and wishes?
Are his facts the same as yours?
What goes on behind his locked doors?
Does he, in the dark, watch MSNBC,    
privately thinking, ‘Rachel's okay by me?’
Does he go to church? 
Is he on our side?
Is his grass too long? 
What has he to hide?

“Okay, perhaps, his kids seem polite.
But what are they up to when out of sight?
Probably stuff you cannot imagine.
And if you could you'd blush and turn ashen.

“Maybe you should give his trash a peek?
I mean, after all, he could be a freak …
a vegan or something equally weird.
In his wedding photo, did he have a beard?

“It would be best to alert the police.
 A discreet call to SWAT him … at the very least.
See how he reacts when they smash in his door,
If he survives, will he lawyer up
in spite of the fact the cops had due cause 
and, in truth, there were no fatalities?

“Can we tolerate neighbors like that?
Angry, annoying, and vicious.
Would not it be better for all concerned
if he could, maybe, sleep with fishes?
He's a disgrace, a loser, a lout.
No one would mind if he got burned out.
He should not be permitted to live with good folk.
It may be wishful thinking, but I think I smell smoke.”

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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