Thursday, October 29, 2020

Numb. 977 The Showman Empire (or 476 CE Redux)

Is what we are feeling what folks felt in Rome when the Empire fell?
Or is this the intermission where the Republic becomes holy hell?
Is this what Jefferson meant by “When in the Course of human events”?
Are we living a farcical sequel dismissing the notion of “created equal”?
A Hamiltonian (pre-musical) notion: governed by rich, well-born, and able
a cabal of scoundrels led by a “genius” who, it appears, is somewhat unstable?
That separation of church and state has been reversed is beyond debate
when judicial appointments completely depend on Roe v Wade being upended.
One-“man”-one-vote, it must be noted, was not on the Founders' agenda,
still I believe it hard to conceive what they contemplated was Carthago delenda.
If we are both Carthage and Rome, where, oh where, can “ET, phone home”?
Given GOP muck and Dem incompetence, I would say we're totally [REDACTED]
unless adults (somehow) get elected and (also somehow) reforms are effected.
If GOP is not disarmed, I have no doubt they intend further harm.

Wednesday, October 28, 2020

Numb. 976 Bankrupt? (or TILT — Game Over?)

I say too late for Chapter Eleven:
reorganize, don't call it quits?
Our situate is Chapter 7:
turn off the lights, roll the obits.

This was our fate from the get-go,
an ironclad, gold plate guarantee.
Lie back, close your eyes, just let go.
Accept the fait accompli.

Some had some fun, but in the long run,
as Keynes said, we are all dead.
No point in groaning. Forego bemoaning.
Abandon all hope. Take to your bed.

If you are hoping we'll find ways of coping,
then I humbly suggest,
a book maybe three? — about history.
SPOILER ALERT! This WILL cause distress.

Life, by design, is not intelligent.
Any creator is simply irrelevant
or, if he exists, entirely malevolent
and almost certainly out of his element.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Numb. 975 For Evil To Tr[i]ump[h]?

I do NOT deal in conspiracies.
But, say that I did …
I still would NOT say Jared is gay
or Donald's the father of Ivanka's kids.
The idea of Melania being a spy
I WOULD proclaim an outrageous lie.
(Though CIA et al., I hear, agree
her father's a colonel in KGB.)
And if you please, this Covid “disease” …
I'd NOT claim is part of a plot
to kill Social Security and Medicare
so GOP donors can all buy spare yachts.

I will NOT engage in scurrilous nonsense.
I will NOT stoop that low.
I would NEVER descend to the feces-filled gutter
where the GOP dwells. (As we well know.)
I could NEVER call Mitch a son of a bitch.
(I would NOT insult a dog.)
NOR would I suggest if Stormy kissed Donald,
he'd have turned in to Pepe the Frog.
An idea, to be clear, that I find shocking,
disgusting, revolting, obscene.
Because you can see, looking at Donald,
that he is orange, he is NOT green.
I will NOT state Donald is Vlad Putin's pawn,
NOR contemplate if he is Satan's spawn,
NOR will I highlight how he hates church bells.
I trust the facts will speak for themselves.

Monday, October 26, 2020

Numb. 974 What's Trump?

End of the line. Closing time.
Kill the lights. Close the door.
A total train wreck and I expect
worse if he gets four years more:
another country, another world
where progress is back to a past
that never existed but springs into being,
a century repealed, a story recast
where rights endowed are judged unjust 
you either live free or you fail,
where the out-of-touch rich get every day richer
and the poor get more time in jail,
where Ayn Rand and Jesus are one and the same 
an apex predator, on top of their game, 
where voting rolls are kept to a minimum
by declaring the country a condominium.

This is the best that can be expected,
unless by some fluke Biden's elected.
If that should occur, then Donald's armed hordes
will come after everyone brandishing swords,
taking no prisoners, clearing the field
until all opponents lay dead on their shields.

In any event, Donald will conquer.
Then we'll be blessed with the Empress Ivanka.

Sunday, October 25, 2020

Numb. 973 A Thoughtful Republican's Inner Monologue (or Overturning Mark 8:36)

“We’re not going to control the pandemic.” — Mark Meadows, White House Chief Of Staff

We've no need to control this virus.
No reason to make a big fuss.
Donald survived it. Completely unscathed!
To hell with the rest of us.
Anyways, I hear this virus
only kills Democrats.
Never a godly Republican Christian.
We, after all, do not eat bats.
Some gaily say, we've bats in our belfry,
what with our peculiar beliefs
in QAnon and magical thinking,
and, dare I say, our Commander-and-Thief
who led us, sweet Jesus, to total control.
(Although you could say at the cost of our soul )
On the whole we believe, to put it neatly,
all things are justified if you win completely.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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