Thursday, October 15, 2020

Numb. 967 In All Humility

We contain multitudes of single cells
who are not us, they are themselves.
This raises a question because by and large
it's hard to tell just who's in charge.

Can “free will” be undone by pill?
Is what we hold true garbage and swill?
A toxic concoction laid down over years
of confusion, frustration, and various fears?

How could that be? Are we not supreme?
Are we not the crown of creation?
Has the Universe some other purpose
than showering glory on our selves and nation?

Come, let us celebrate how we are better than all people alive.
Even our ancestors (who were better than theirs) from whom we derive
would not be our peers in the least degree
and, it is clear, you're less than me.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Numb. 966 Conscious Uncoupling (a parting shot)

If I were THE THING that created creation,
why, in my name, would I care
about you or your speck of dust planet
which (maybe) exists somewhere OUT THERE?
Do you really conceive I crave burnt offerings,
animal slaughterings, jihads, crusades?
That I require erecting of temples, masses who tremble?
That I give a shit which quarterback plays
for a team, at present, without a name
in an infamous city lacking all shame?
If you insist you deserve better,
I reply, So do I.
You find yourself some other god
and I'll give some other monkey a try."

Tuesday, October 13, 2020

Numb. 965 Civilization (Humankind's exploit)

Because we are civilized" we do not have to hunt and kill to eat meat.
Nor need we gather. Nor need we fish. Nor need we sew. Nor need we reap.
Farming and milling? Not on our agenda. For us no husbandry tasks.
We are ever so busy doing whatever, we cannot help you should you ever ask.
We can't build a shelter or even a bed. (Nor, for all that, bury our dead.)
We're unable to fashion clothing to wear. Nike attends of our feet.
If fact we're a lazy son-of-a- … bear, and — no offense — a trifle effete.
Somewhat akin to pampered house cats but more demanding considering that
we could not survive but for thousands of slobs doing the real and dirtier  jobs.
Our music and poems, our art and our books  all of our civilized" perks 
are possible only because we've devised ways of making lesser folk work
while we sit on our asses, draining our glasses, denigrating the lower classes
and keeping them down where they belong. It is our right, doing them wrong.
Far be it from me to harumph in disgust. If roles were reversed, they'd do it to us.

Monday, October 12, 2020

Numb. 964 Prof. Krugman's Solution (no bells or whistling past the graveyard )

What the economy needs is a shot in the arm,
maybe a dose of Viagra.
Unless something's done (for Washington) quick
we're over the falls at Niagara
where we'll be splintered to bits on the rocks,
drowning in worthless loans, bonds, and stocks,
undone by Trump's Bankrupt-onomics
unless we stashed cash in Marvel comics 
pristine first editions, hermetically sealed,
providing a viable surety shield
against the market's conniption fits.
(At least until the meteor hits.)

Sunday, October 11, 2020

Numb. 963 We'll See (plus Columbus Day owed)

The classic example of total futility: rearranging Titanic deck chairs.
Will we replace this with voting for Biden" against this buffoon with little upstairs
save delusions of grandeur and slander and pandering
prattle dog-whistle alarms calling his forces" to battle and arms?

Are we living through a new revolution bent on reversing our last?
Senator Lee says we are not a democracy and never were in the past.
Trump triumphant, permanent president. The ultimate, consummate  — possessed? — White House resident?
Congress and Courts pose no impediment? The nation dissolves into the sediment?

The GOP favors wealth redistribution.

If it's distributed up.
A situation where others have money
is unacceptable. And likely corrupt.
God never intended that we be upended,
be held to account for the sins
our sainted ancestors may have committed
in enslaving Negroes and killing Injuns,
both of whose present descendants
should bow their heads and give thanks
for all those blankets infected with smallpox
and being redlined by all of our banks.

Are we naive to expect applause
after all we have done for this scum?
We gave them God and Santa Claus.
That's who we are, where we come from.
Okay, we may have stolen their country
and/or their freedom and lives,
driven the Reds to the brink of extinction
and with the Blacks toyed with their wives.
It is, however, clear that we meant well
in taking these primitive souls
into our hearts — and our economy 
to help us to reach our Godly goals.

Where would they be, truthfully,
if our ancestors had not “abused” theirs?
Can you imagine buck-naked savages
in control of the nation's affairs?

That's why, despite what you might think right, 
we sleep sound and tight every damned night.

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When young I voted Republican. Democrats? Union goons and Ku Klux Klan. Camelot Kennedy? Not my cup of tea. (Frankly, I thought it a scam. I was, by default, a Goldwater man.) Through Johnson and Nixon I lacked conviction. For Ford and Carter I couldn't bother. Then came Ronnie. The smarmy carny, hominy nominee. Time to change party! Bush, Clinton, Bush led to Obama which led us twice to our present trauma. (Ignoring here Joe Biden's years, which Trump, the disgrace, will erase.) Labor's diminished. Perhaps even finished. The Klan is a GOP brand. Anger predominates. A felonious reprobate holds country's fate in grabby hands. Still NOT a Democrat, although I vote like that. An increasingly frail, flailing old man. I proudly am an anti-Republican.

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