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Wednesday, December 23, 2020

Numb. 1016 Looking Ahead With Some Trumpadation

The beast is fierce. And he's wounded.
There is no telling what he might do.
There's reason to fear getting too near.
His lair is NOT a petting zoo.

Even unharmed he attacked the unarmed.
A trait he considers part of his charm.
“Always attack, stab front and back.
Quick, easy victory. If you've got the knack.

And let me stress, he's known naught but success.
(Though bloating suggests he over-ingests.)
A hero complete, immune to defeat.
(He can dance without moving his feet.)

He knows he's been cheated. How else could he lose?
But with Bibi and Jared, he can not blame THE JEWS.
That is a pity. Still all loyal followers
attribute his sorrows to people like Soros.

And scheming, deceased, Hispanic dictators
abetted and aided by domestic traitors
who stole sure triumph from his large, manly hands.
Is there no succor? JUSTICE DEMANDS!

In less than a moon-month from this very day
will he, in peace — and for good — go away?
Or will he take arms against troubled seas
and conquer them all. (As he did disease.)

Will he resort to martial law?
Release the kraken, unleash dogs of war?
Do what he must, clearing the field?
One thing is certain: he'll never yield.

Would he accept as validation
presidency of the Confederate Nation?
Be Tsar of the Proud Boys in NRA-land?
Or will the sun set on Donald's Last Stand?

(To all appearances it's not here or there,
but Donald, like Custer, has long yellow hair.)