Sunday, December 20, 2020

Numb. 1013 These Days

These days spelling, along with arithmetic,
has gone the way of the buggy whip.
Siri, Google, Alexa, Cortana
are gonna tell ya whatever you wanna.
Go ahead, ask 'em any old question
ask for directions, seek their suggestions,
say, “Tell me a story“Where in hell am I?,
“Is that gal  or guy  a Cancer, a Gemini?
They DO THE MATH. They check your spelling.
Should maybe we wonder where this is going?
They know where you are. They know where you've been.
They know what you do. They know what you spend.
They keep track of you. Your family. Your friends.
They follow you. WITH A ZOOM LENS!
I am not paranoid! But it is annoying.
Not knowing if I'm employed or employing.
Who is the servant? Which is the master?
Is this technology our final disaster?
Is it just me or do our cell phones
look very much like tiny tombstones?

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