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Wednesday, December 16, 2020

Numb. 1011 The Down-market Hollow Men

Planet Earth, she dead.
We're the reason why.

Can we undo the Anthropocene?
Our meandering war on the world.
If we could, would we? If we would, should we?
If we changed our ways, what would the good be?

Our role is that we exploit.
We “improve”. (Up to a point.)
Making stuff “better”. Moving things faster.
(Plastering over our every disaster.)

Layers on layers, we dragon slayers
lay waste to every environ.
Might not it be best for us to expire?
Or to cut back? To semi-retire?

Would the world gain a sense of tranquility,
a bit of stability, some renewability?
The human species: has it been a success?
Or have we made helluva mess?

Is it today  — was it always — too late?
Has our FATE (all CAPS) tracked us down?
Have we, still, some room to maneuver?
Have we cracked up? Is it all breaking down?

Are we THE WAY that the world ends
without bang, whimper, or shout?
Is our pollution the final solution?
Could Covid-19, in the end, wipe us out?

Is Mother Earth, fed up with our crap,
calling on Gabriel to come and play taps?
I'd say the answer is, at least, perhaps.
But, in the meantime, time for a nap.