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Sunday, December 13, 2020

Numb. 1008 Parting Shot (first draft, without bone spurs)

If I can't be PRESINET, 
I'll hold my breath
until I turn even more orange.
You'll be sorry. 
For cheating me.
I will not eat my porridge.
I will tear out my hair.
I won. 
Fair and square.
You don't deserve me. 
I hate you. 
So there!
I hope you all catch Covid-19.
's what you deserve. 
Treating me mean.
Mean and nasty. 
Nasty and lousy.
You and dumb doctors. 
Birxie and Fauci.
Meanwhile, I, 
departing the scene,
will take all the Clorox. 
I will eat burgers. 
Drink Cokes. 
Play golf.
I will laugh while you gasp and cough.
It's what you deserve. 
I'm telling you, folkses.
Doubting me. 
Beliving HOAXES.