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Tuesday, December 1, 2020

Numb. 1000 So Unfair (a short list of Trumplaints)

I am not green. I have no bulk.
I am not The Incredible Sulk!

I meant what I said and I said what I meant.
I won re-election. By two-hundred percent!

Rule of law vs. rule of men.
I'm talking now. You're talking then.

I was robbed. Election is fake.
I'm not a loser. It's a mistake.

The Founders were all rich white men.
I intend to return to the time when
moneyed white men made all the decisions.
And, for the poor, we had debtors prisons.

BLACKS and JEWS love me. LATINX, too.
So do all WOMEN. Except a few
low IQ losers, damned frigid bitches.
I would not ever get into their britches.

Of all the presidents, I am the best
who ever sat back of the Resolute desk.
As for the others, SAD bunch of wimps.
Not to get nasty, but … chumps and chimps?
Bores doing chores, pure plain vanillas.
Unlike yours truly, the King of best sellers.
The biggest, the fiercest, the bravest, the best.
Was any nation ever so blessed
as to be led by a genius like me
who banished Kaepernick for taking a knee,
who dealt with all issues profoundly, completely
and was re-elected totally, neatly?
(Except that everyone conspired to cheat me?)
But, I am no LOSER. THEY cannot defeat me.
I tweet loud and proud, my banner unfurled,
looking down on you all from the top of the world.