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Sunday, November 29, 2020

Numb. 998 FOX Populi 101

Abandon fact. 
Disregard truth.
What you need to believe
is aloof from proof.

“You are the best. 
Our enemies lurk.
We've been betrayed. 
THEY think you're a jerk.
We're besieged by invaders.
Surrounded by traitors. 
Who wears a mask? 
You've heard of Darth Vader?
The forces of evil conspire against us.
They're everywhere. 
They are relentless.

“Consider your neighbor. 
Is he suspicious?
What are his hidden vices and wishes?
Are his facts the same as yours?
What goes on behind his locked doors?
Does he, in the dark, watch MSNBC,    
privately thinking, ‘Rachel's okay by me?’
Does he go to church? 
Is he on our side?
Is his grass too long? 
What has he to hide?

“Okay, perhaps, his kids seem polite.
But what are they up to when out of sight?
Probably stuff you cannot imagine.
And if you could you'd blush and turn ashen.

“Maybe you should give his trash a peek?
I mean, after all, he could be a freak …
a vegan or something equally weird.
In his wedding photo, did he have a beard?

“It would be best to alert the police.
 A discreet call to SWAT him … at the very least.
See how he reacts when they smash in his door,
If he survives, will he lawyer up
in spite of the fact the cops had due cause 
and, in truth, there were no fatalities?

“Can we tolerate neighbors like that?
Angry, annoying, and vicious.
Would not it be better for all concerned
if he could, maybe, sleep with fishes?
He's a disgrace, a loser, a lout.
No one would mind if he got burned out.
He should not be permitted to live with good folk.
It may be wishful thinking, but I think I smell smoke.”